Paula Patton and COVERGIRL Makeover Two Amazing Women

Photo Credit: Don Flood/Corbis Outline

I’m recently engaged, childless and pet free and  it is sometimes difficult to get to the “beauty” part of my routine simply because there is so much other stuff going on.  Women with a career, kids and a husband often find it even more difficult to take the time to pamper themselves. Understanding this dilemma, “COVERGIRL Brand Ambassador, Paula Patton, surprised two wonderful women with complete beauty and wardrobe transformations. These lucky ladies are winners of the COVERGIRL-sponsored “Unleash Your Inner Beauty” contest and were selected because they both embody the power of women—balancing husbands, children, schools and career—and very much deserved to put themselves first for a day.”

See the videos of the winners below and get some tips on how to used COVERGIRL products:

Winner Number 1

Winner Number 2

After the webisodes, Paula took some time to answer a few questions.

Photo Credit: Don Flood/Corbis Outline

Sum up your experience with filming the “Unleash Your Beauty” webisodes.

This experience was nothing short of amazing! It felt so good to give back to women who have unselfishly gone above and beyond for their families.

What aspects of the contest winners did you find inspiring?

Their determination! It’s no easy task to work a full time job, care for your children and make time for your husband. I plan on taking some lessons from them!

Could you see yourself in any of the winners?

The winners are also mothers and I can totally identify with their situation. As a mother, you always want to put your children first and it’s easy to forget about your needs. You feel like you don’t have time to put on make-up before running errands or going to work. You feel like maybe taking care of how you look is not that important anymore, when you consider all the other responsibilities you have.  But it’s important for moms to take sometime for themselves.  I always try to remember…happy mom translates to happy baby/child.

How were their attitudes changed following the makeovers?

It was a complete 180! You could tell that their spirits were automatically lifted by the way they walked and the welcomed reception that they received from their husbands and children.

What does empowerment mean to you?

To me, empowerment means that you have the courage to pursue whatever it is that you want to do. Whether that means pursuing a new career or trying a new bold make-up look. As small as it may seem, making an effort to look good and take risks can be both empowering and life-changing in a positive way. Women should not be afraid to pursue these things on a daily basis.

At what point of your life/day do you feel most empowered?

I feel the most empowered when I’m with my son and he’s laughing and smiling. I also feel great and ready to conquer the day when I do some kind of exercise in the morning. It’s a great way to get my endorphins circulating and release whatever stress or worries I have.

Paula Patton is married to singer Robin Thicke and has a two year old son.  Paula has been a COVERGIRL ambassador since May 2012.

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