In the words of our once beloved pop icon, Michael Jackson:
“You got me workin workin day and night”
How many of you use skin care products formulated for daytime and nighttime application? For a long time I didn’t give much thought to products specifically recommended for day and night use. Perhaps my skin care needs were more basic back then and it didn’t seem worth the effort to complicate my routine with creams for day and creams for night.
But as my skin matures (just celebrated a historical birthday on Jan. 20) and I become more conscious of my skin, its needs, how/when it replenishes, which ingredients work best, when ingredients work best, etc…I now pay very careful attention to products and make sure that I am using my lotions and potions at optimal times, thus yielding optimal results.
For the last couple of years I’ve been faithful to L’Oreal Skin Genesis Eye Serum as my day and night eye serum. It’s inexpensive and effective at hydrating my skin. For the most part, hydration is my number one eye area concern. I do not have darkness or lines (Thank God and Thank Mom) so my main propose for using an eye cream is to keep my eye area hydrated to help prevent or slow down the development fine lines and crow’s feet.
Recently I’ve further tweaked my eye care routine to include the use of a daytime eye cream and an evening eye cream. And so far I am very happy with the results so NATURALLY I have to share the good news with YOU!

This eye cream lives up to its claim of offering 24 hour continuous moisture. I will often lightly tap my eye area in the afternoon just to see how I’m holding up. I’m always amazed at how hydrated my eye area feels. For the budget conscious, you will find this product extremely pocketbook friendly. All You Need For Eyes is $29.50. Not bad at all for a department store eye cream. At the drug store level most eye creams (the good ones) cost roughly $20. In my humble opinion, its definitely worth it to pay the extra $10 and upgrade to All You Need For Eyes. It’s totally all you need for eyes…for day.

Now the sun has set and its time to prepare your face for night time rejuvenation. Consider TNS Night Eye Repair. This night time eye treatment is packed with Nouri–Cel MD (a proprietary blend of human growth factors), peptides, high concentrations of vitamins A, C, and E and hyaluronic acid, which dramatically improves the appearance of the skin around the eye area. Now I have to be straight up and tell ya that such premium ingredient-ness does not come cheap. A half ounce of TNS Night Eye Repair will run you $90. But, because the cream is so richly concentrated, you will need very little. I’ve been using my current jar every night since November and I’ve yet to tap the bottom. I’m thinking my current stash will last a few more months. So $90 over the course of six months…that’s about $15 a month!
Well there you have it folks, ThisThatBeauty’s current eye care regime. These two products help to keep my baby browns refreshed, hydrated, and line free!