Winter Skincare Tips

Fall is flying by and from what I hear, winter is going to be brutal. You’ve got your goose down bubble coat, fur lined boots and infinity scarf but what about your skin? How are you protecting your skin this winter? During winter months there is little to no moisture in the air, so, it becomes challenging to keep skin moisturized when the weather is continuously below freezing and we are in and out of buildings, cars and subways that are artificially heated.

Here are a few tips to keep your skin perfectly moisturized during winter so that you can easily bare all with confidence come Spring and Summer 2013.

Limit Showers:  I know this might seem like I’m anti-hygiene but I’m not.  During winter months you might be  tempted  to run the hot water a little too hot and spend a few extra minutes in the shower before braving the frigid temperatures. This is never good for your skin. The longer and more frequently you shower the more you dry out your skin. When you shower, choose moisturizing shower products like Dove Winter Care Body Wash with Nutrium Moisture and keep the water as cool as possible. The Dove Winter Care Body wash is formulated to reverse the signs of dry winter skin.

Exfoliate and Shave:  You might be thinking that no one (but maybe your significant other, hopefully) will be seeing your bare legs for several months so why bother with hair removal? Shaving/ waxing is especially important when wearing leggings, and other tight fitting clothing that may pull on the little hairs and lead to hair bumps that leave behind marks. Prior to shaving  I use  Dermadoctor’s KP Duty Body Scrub   which has physical and chemical exfoliants   that  retexturize and smooth skin.

Double Moisturize:  Finding  the time to get two complete layer of moisture is sometimes a complete chore but I promise it’s worth it. With the double layer moisture technique I  don’t have to spend the first few weeks of summer frantically trying to get my skin ready for short shorts or bikinis. The technique is to apply water based moisture right after showering then waiting a few moments then apply an oil based butter.  For my first layer I use Zinn Smooth Body Milk, it  blends Argan  Oil, Shea butter, Jojoba and Rosehip seed oil   to hydrate and smooth skin. As the second layer, I use something like Nourish Body Butter, that has no water or water like substances.

Quick Note: If you are using a non-drying body wash like Dove then chances are you can get away with just one layer of moisture with an  emollient  rich moisturizer such as  Melvita Body Balm,  that contains  organic oils and butters, organic aloe vera juice and honey. The balm is extremely smooth and the smell is light and pleasant.

Don’t Forget Lips, Hands and Feet: My hands, lips and feet suffer the most during winter.  All it takes is one missed moisturizing session to lead to chapped lips, cracked feet and mangled cuticles. For hands I like Herbacin Unscented  Kamille Hand Cream — it moisturizes with glycerin and locks in moisture with silicone.

For foot care I like Herbacin Foot Cream because it contains camomile and urea.  I slather it on in the mornings before putting on socks and boots. Apply Herbacin Foot Cream    in the morning and at night and your feet will thank you and so will your sheets.  Lips are a bit trickier for me. My regular moisturizer is  Cover FX MintGlaze FX Moisturizing Lip Treat-Mint Primer with SPF 15, however, sometimes I forget to add it and my lips get chapped.    If I allow them to crack I have to use Carmex.  I slather it on heavily and leave it on for about  10 minutes, usually as I’m about to get into the shower.  I then wipe it away along with bits of skin [a little gross, yes but it definitely works for my chapped lips].

Don’t Skip the Sunscreen:  Many people ditch the sunscreen during winter months but the sun is just as damaging in winter as it is in the summer.  Be sure to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen to all exposed areas, including lips,  when venturing to the great outdoors.  I’m currently using Snowberry Broad Spectrum SPF on face and body and  Cover FX MintGlaze FX Moisturizing Lip Treat-Mint Primer with SPF 15.  Click here for other options.

Get a Humidifier:    While you sleep your skin works hard to repair itself but if the room has no moisture then the moisture is sucked from your skin and you wake up feeling completely parched.    The humidifier adds moisture to the air and helps your skin repair while you sleep. The humidifier also soothes eyes, throat and nasal  passages,  which is a big deal for me because I tend to get nose bleeds during winter months when my nose dries out.

Drink Water:  I don’t know about you but during winter I have to set a reminder for water consumption. It is a fact that we feel less thirsty during winter months simply because we aren’t sweating.  However, water consumption in winter months is just as important. Keep a covered pitcher in the refrigerator and flavor it with lemons, cucumber and mint.  You can also try watermelon and lime. Click here for other options.

Don’t let old man winter claim your skin. Fight back!

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  • epilatorgirl says:

    I love hot showers so even during the winter I enjoy them even though I immediately notice the effects on my dried skin. I can’t help it 🙂 great article!

  • I also like the tip about using a humidifier. I live in a place where the winter is very dry and cold, and my skin inevitably suffers as a result….so a humidifier is on my list of ‘must buys’ this season. Thanks for the reminder

  • That is really great advice about drinking water. Women in general drink far too little and as you suggest, you can make it a little bit more interesting!

  • Hey Christene,

    My hands and lips also suffer pretty badly during the winter (lips more than hands), thanks for the tip, I will certainly try Herbacin Kamille Cream and see if it will help me.

    By the way, a humidifier is a great idea, I read about it a while ago and been using it with great results!

  • A good humidifier seems like a great way to offset the dry air from the winter months. Thanks for the winter skin care tips.

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