Valentine’s Day Recap


Hola Beautiful —

I hope everyone had a fantastic Valentine’s Day.  Mine was perfectly swell and filled with lots of fun happenings….Fashion Week coverage, nice dinner, and  cocktails  with some of the baddest Beauty Bloggers known to wo-man.  
I was  particularly  pleased as punch (say that three times fast) to meet my Beauty Blog first love, Lianne Farbes a.k.a. TheMakeupGirl. Lianne’s blog is the very first beauty blog I ever read.  And I’ll share a closely guarded secret with you….

TheMakeupGirl actually inspired me to start ThisThatBeauty after I was not chosen to be a guest blogger on her site.    

After being rejected, a good friend (Hi Shana!) encouraged me to see the rejection as an opportunity to start my own beauty blog. So I picked myself up, wiped away my runny mascara, touched up my foundation…and the rest is her-story 🙂
I shared this story with Lianne and we both had a hearty laugh!  So ya see, tis true what “they” say about one door closing and another one opening.  Keep knocking…a door’s bound to open!
While it was a great honor to finally meet Lianne, it was also a great pleasure  because she was exactly as I’d hoped – an all around class act and a whole lotta fun!  Lianne and I chatted over cocktails and had a really nice time. I’m pretty much a newbie to our Total Beauty Blog Network so I really appreciated Lianne’s warm welcome and kind words of encouragement and advice.  
Here I am below with the very lovely Lianne. Good times!
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1 Comment

  • thanks for the shout out!

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