Tips to Help You Refresh Last Season’s Spring and Summer Fashion

Okay, it finally feels like spring.  Never mind that it snowed a day ago in the North East, today is bright and brisk with highs expected in the 60s!  Someone bring on the daisy dukes (no, I kid.)  While I am not quite ready for short shorts, I am definitely in the mood to refresh some of last year’s spring and summer fashion because the way my bank account is set up — doesn’t allow a new wardrobe every season.  Heck, I have clothes that I have been wearing since Kanye was with the other blonde. Anyhow, I asked  Mary Johnson, P&G Fabric Care Sci-Comm, for a few  Tips to Refresh Last Season’s Spring and Summer Fashion and I peppered in a few of my own.  Here goes!

Tide Febreze

Mary’s Tips:

  • Create a whole new look by mixing different fabrics and textures. Try one of your fall leather pieces and mix it with a surprisingly washable summer silk like fuji silk! (I accidentally washed my silk blouse over the weekend and it wasn’t ruined! I used the Tide pods.  Can you say bye-bye dry cleaning bill?)
  • For those pieces that never quite fit just right, take them to a tailor to get hemmed and fitted to compliment your body shape. Not only will you save yourself a buck or two by not purchasing brand new garments, but these pieces will soon turn into some of your favorite staples. (I can attest to the power of customizing.  I have a sewing machine at home. Best money I ever spent.)
  • It’s all in the details! Even an added scent can give an old outfit new meaning. Try treating clothes with Downy Infusions for a new scent and added freshness. (The Downy Infusions keeps clothes smelling fantastic wash after wash.)
  • Have a lot of old t-shirts laying around? Cut them up into cute crop tops or tank tops – perfect for a trip to the pool or beach!
  • Give your spring and summer clothes that have been in storage a quick rinse with Tide Pods plus Febreze to get the fabrics rejuvenated.

My Tips

High Waisted Jeans

  • Do a clothing swap with your best girlfriends – Yes, their closet is your closet.
  • For clothes that have been sitting in closets or drawers and may have developed a musty odor, put them in the dryer, add a downy dryer sheet and turn to a low heat setting. Set to about 10 minutes. Remove and hang and you are ready to wear!
  • The 70s inspired trends that are hot right now means many  statement pieces can be found by thrifting.  Can you say high waisted wide leg pants?  Yes, those are almost always available at the local thrift shop and that is the ultimate fashion refresh.
  • Pastels and florals are always going to be hot for spring and summer, but hemlines and fits change often.  Even out the hems of all those high low dresses and tops you bought from past seasons.  If you are not inclined to doing it yourself, find a seamstress or even get it done at your dry cleaners.
  • Busted knee skinny jeans are super hot right now — what’s to stop you from DIYing the skinnies you’ve been wearing and washing all winter? N.O.T.H.I.N.G!

Clothes and fashion should be fun and there is nothing more fun than refreshing my closet. How are you refreshing your fashion this spring?

Still need NEW clothes for Spring? Here are some favorites:




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