ThisThatBeauty Reviews: Remington Extra-Long Ceramic Straightener

I have coarse textured hair that I have been chemically relaxing for about 20 years. A few years ago I gave up trying to get my hair silky smooth and straight. I have tried expensive and inexpensive flat irons combined with a myriad of styling products. In addition to at-home styling, I have also tried professional stylists…no luck. To date, I have been unable to achieve bone straight silky looking hair.

When I picked up the Remington Extra-Long Ceramic Straightener, I wasn’t expecting much. I figured it would perform like the other drugstore straighteners that I have tried in the past (believe me, I have tried several). I was blown away and surprised to discover that this $24.99 styling tool performed better than my current straightener, which costs over $100.00.

The Remington has 5 inch long floating plates, which is about 50% longer than any flat iron than I’ve used in the past. Parts of my hair are thicker than others and the 30 heat settings offered by the straightener allow me to find the right heat setting for all sections of my hair. There is even a setting for my recently purchased synthetic “London Girl” wig.

Before I straightened my hair I washed and conditioned. I also used a leave-in hair treatment and moisturizer (my hair is very dry.) While straightening, I sectioned my hair into thin wide portions and was able to finish the process quicker than I would with a traditional sized straightener. Other features include, anti-static technology that helps to reduce the static charges that cause flyaways and frizz. It also has a swivel cord, travel lock and for the jet-setters it has variable voltage capabilities…so you’re good to go wherever you land on the globe. The 60 minute auto shut-off feature is great for the absent minded (present company included). The tip of the straightener remains relatively cool, so, the amateur user will have an easier time working the tool. The Remington Extra-Long Ceramic Straightener helped me achieve results that were the closest I’ve ever been to bone straight silky hair.

Want to road test the Remington Extra-Long Ceramic Straightener for yourself? Try Target or Walmart.

Here is my before picture after blowdrying:

Here are two pictures after using Remington Extra-Long Ceramic Straightener:

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  • Christene says:

    No problem 🙂 I hope anonymous16 got the issue resolved.

  • Christene says:

    @anonymous16: I still have mine and it is still performing like it did when I reviewed it. If you bought your straightener from a reputable store and you still have your receipt, try returning it there. Otherwise, try Remington customer service. Be sure to have model number, date of purchase etc.

    By Phone : 800-392-6544.
    By Mail: Spectrum Brands, Inc.
    PO Box 1
    DeForest, WI 53532

    Come back and let us know the outcome. Good luck!

    • @Christene: Thank you so much for going above and beyond and sharing information with Anonymous16:)

  • anonymous16 says:

    This straightener broke today. I only had it for 1 1/2 mnths. The indicator light would light up & blink for awhile & then it would turn off. It still heats up, but its not even hot. Its like a 100 degree temperature. Do not buy this. I hear remingtons tend to not last long.

    • @anonymous16: I’m really sorry to hear that you had a bad experience…mine is still going strong. If I were you, I would return it. Best of luck!

  • celineelise says:

    WOW!!!! I’m am going to buy one now!!!!
    Your results are AMAZING!!! And I have thick long hair and I love the fact that you said the panels are long (for my big head) This article has really convinced me to go and purchase this!! I hope my results will be as fly as yours!!!! THANK YOU!!

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