ThisThatBeauty Pops Lip: Lip Colour du Jour

Ladies –  

You will need to brace yourselves for today’s installment of ThisThatBeauty Pops Lips: Lip Colour du Jour.  Today’s featured color is VERY different from anything I’ve ever covered in the series. And to be quite honest, I have even shocked myself!  

Normally I feature lovely shades of pink, mauve, nude, wine, bronze, etc. Never have I featured “red”. Why?  Well lets admit it, darlings…”red” is like the forbidden fruit of lipstick. It is a shade that our mother’s never allowed us to wear. Our hubbys and boyfriends always seem to hate it. And another issue with “red”…the wrong shade makes you look old and perfectly insane.

Well strap on your seat belt and prepare for impact. ThisThatBeauty has uncovered THE RED! Yes, “RED“. I can barely believe it myself.  I have found my perfect red. And you already know…if it’s the perfect lipstick shade, it’s gotta be Lipstick Queen

So without further  ado, I give you Lipstick Queen Red Sinner:

Look how happy I am when wearing Red Sinner

Here’s the color up close.
Please don’t make fun of my nose…because that’s just mean. LOL

OK, what say you? Do we like or have I completely lost my mind?

As you guys know, LQ is my favorite lipstick brand. I love the creator, the line, the concept, EVERYTHING! While recently working alongside the most delightful Poppy King, I decided to throw caution to the wind and give Red Sinner a try…just for kicks.

I am not a red wearer. I generally do mauve, pink, nude and the like..but never red. And certainly not Poppy King’s signature shade, Red Sinner. I mean, how dare I think that I can rock Poppy’s color.

Well I gotta tell you. I surprised Poppy with Red Sinner and she gave her blessing.  
For five days straight I have been wearing Red Sinner and I cannot believe the reaction I’m getting. A group of women stopped me in the restroom to inquire. Another women yelled at me from her car to ask what I was wearing. If I had a dollar for every Red Sinner inquiry over the last few days, I’m certain I’d have enough dinero to buy another tube.

Red Sinner has been my go-to lipstick since Poppy King gave her blessing. I can not seem to stop wearing it! The vibrant color is a perfect compliment to the “no makeup” look that I prefer. The contrast of the red lip against my bare skin really makes the complexion pop!

Has Red Sinner become my signature? Hmmmm….
I swear the color just makes me feel so fun and artsy!
If you’re in search of your perfect red, give Red Sinner a try. You will find the shade to be fun and vibrant…versus old and dated.  

So what do you guys think? Leave a comment. I want to hear your thoughts 🙂
Lipstick queen is available at, Wonderland Beauty Parlor, and select shops worldwide.
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  • Felicia/ ThisThatBeauty says:

    @aradhana – thanks os much mama!!!

  • wow! that colour looks awesome on you!

    you have very beautiful features!

  • Felicia/ ThisThatBeauty says:

    @Beautiful Ashes – this is DEF my staple red! Thanks so much 🙂

  • BeautifulAshes makeup and more says:

    wow, that is very pretty red

  • Felicia/ ThisThatBeauty says:

    @Lita and amy – Thansk so much. I cant believe that “I” can wear red.

  • i would never have picked that kind of red for you, but it looks fab. i have to say, the dewy skin helps though 😉

  • Felicia/ ThisThatBeauty says:

    @FaceMode – Thanks Kells. This is def my signature RED going forward.

    @Erin – Thanks girlie. I swear I cant stop wearing Red SInner. I’ve been nonstop since The Makeup Show.

    @EDP – Thanks so much!

    @Milan – I hate that you hate visiting because I force you to buy 🙂 Visit often!

  • Milan Angel says:

    That red is GORGEOUS!! I love it. Looks great on you. I might have to give it a whirl. *sigh*

  • Pretty! And very eye-catching, in a good way.

  • Scandalous Beauty says:

    It looked FABULOUS on you this weekend! Love, love, love it! Great skin and a daring lip is gorgeous!

  • Face Mode says:

    absolutely gorgeous, my darling..

    It looks great on you..and it has a blue undertone, and not so shiny..I love the semi-matte finish..
    I was thinking the same, should be your signature
    I love it!

  • Felicia/ ThisThatBeauty says:

    @Char – Ahhh, my first comment. Thanks so much! I swear it might become my signature. I LOVE IT!

  • Girl, That red looks good on you!

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