ThisThatBeauty Reviews: Orlane Anagenese 25+

According to the manufacturers of Orlane, “aging begins to settle in beginning at age 25 and becomes visible towards age 35-40. By effectively fighting against invisible signs of aging,  you can delay the transformation of the skin.” Iʼm not one for dramatics but First Time-Fighting Care cream from Orlaneʼs Anagenese 25+ line is fantastic. Used in conjunction with Morning Recovery Concentrate my skin was more radiant almost over night. On day two of using these product I had to check to see if someone had changed the light in the bathroom because my face was glowing.

The secret of First Time-Fighting Care cream is “pro-cellular growth factors” that use “specific peptide to heighten the youth-potential of the cells.”

Also in the line of Orlaneʼs Anagenese 25+ line is the Eye Contour cream that uses “two pro-cellular growth factors, protected and boosted by crinopexy, it activates the production of collagen, encourages cell renewal, and revives the skin’s radiance.” This eye cream is very light and absorbs completely into the eye area.

If you are between the ages of 25 and 35 this line of products is simple and easy to use. All you need to round out your daily regimen is a cleanser and SPF.

Donʼt wait for the signs of aging to appear before you start the battle to keep them at bay…I suggest you get on it now! Orlane products are available at the finest department stores, like Neiman Marcus.


This review was written by ThisThatBeauty Contributor, @ChristeneCarr

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