Here’s one for all you whipper snappers:
Obsessive Compulvise Cosmetics – Grandma

Just like the real Grandma, this color is adorable. OCC describes Grandma as a “bright coral”. All of OCC’s nail lacquers are of professional quality and densely pigmented…which means Grandma won’t start to chip or peel after a rousing game Bridge, Pinochle, or Gin Rummy:)
Bye bye bay-bees!
*said in my best old Grandma voice*
@Yummy – The full collection is really awesome! Checkout the site. maybe they sold out at the show
dang now i gotta order some polishes. they didn't seem to have the full range at the show. i only saw like a black, gray, white and yellow i think. :T maybe i was distracted and didn't see it all lol
@MissYaya – Thanks. I love the nail colors…then the lips tars
@tamar – hey mama! OMG, my necklace…ha! You see.I wear it all the time. I have others, but this my baby
@oldergirlbeauty – ohh, those colors all rock!
I just love the OCC polishes – they wear so long. I picked up the Dangerous, Traffice and Rhythm Box at TMS and just been enamored.
I like that Grandma on you, too.
Cute color and its not too bright! I see your necklace!!!
i like it – i wasn't too fond of their nail colors but their eye colors are another story