ThisThatBeauty Nails It: Colour of the Week

If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent untold sleepless nights crying teardrop after teardrop over missing out on  MAC’s Hello Kitty “On the Prowl” nail polish.   This little gem is the only thing from the HK  collection that I wanted but could not procure.  It’s the one item that managed to slip my well manicured grasp. Egad! The pain of missing out is unbearable!

But I’m here to testify that tis true what the old folks say:

“The Lord works in mysterious ways”

Ladies (and gents who get down with polished nails – “haaaaaay”!) put away your hanky and dry those tears. If you’ve missed out on Hello Kitty “On the Prowl”, ThisThatBeauty says TRY THIS!

At last week’s LA Makeup Show I had the pleasure of spending time with Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics…more to come on what I learned…but for now, let’s chat uncontrollably like pre-pubescent girls about OCC’s  “Dangerous”, an opaque slate gray satin nail color.

Upon noticing this beautifully  murky  specimen from across the room, I trampled no less than 6 women and 2 small children just to get a closer look. Joking. But I really did make a serious B line. Wow-ser, “Dangerous” is definitely a first cousin of “On the Prowl”. And while the colors are not exact, they’re certainly in the same color family and totally on the same trend line.

So having said that, if you’re tired of crying yourself to sleep over the SOLD OUT Hello Kitty “On the Prowl”, give OCC’s “Dangerous” a try. You will find OCC’s entire line of nail colors to be extremely modern/ fashion forward. Stand out colors include White Noise, Swamp Thing, Uber, Rhythm Box, and Bone Daddy.  

Check out the  comparisons  below —  

Hello Kitty “On the Prowl” – (not my hand:))

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics “Dangerous” –  (my hands:))

Oh, and here’s another “On the Prowl” kissing cousin (I have Pink Sith to thank for spotting this one).  Milani’s Day Dreaming is also a dead wringer for “On the Prowl”. See…


Happy Knocking-off!


PS: Both OCC and Milani offer the trendy gray color for a lot less paper than MAC. OCC is $8. Milani is less than $5. “On the Prowl” is $11…and of course, SOLD OUT.

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  • Felicia/ ThisThatBeauty says:

    @Karen – I’m so glad there’s hope for those of us who missed out. I’m over it! Thanks OCC 🙂

  • Oh! There’s a rescue beauty lounge version too (or there was). I have seriously been thinking about making it down to the store for the past year. A whole year.

  • Felicia/ ThisThatBeauty says:

    @jilliandanica – if you like what you see stay tuned..there’s a give-a-way in the works 🙂

  • jilliandanica says:

    great dupes! I was able to nab a bottle of on the prowl, but I’m kinda liking the OCC one better.

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