Because I want your little bambino to be as cozy and cared for as mine, I’ve partnered with the super generous folks at Stokke to offer a giveaway that’s going to knock your baby’s booties off.
I’m offering one lucky ThisThatBeauty follower the opportunity to win the NEW Stokke Scoot. Entering is easy with the widget below but here is what the widget will ask you to do:
- Like and follow @StokkeBaby on Twitter and Facebook
- Like and follow ThisThatBeauty on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
- Follow ThisThatBaby on Instagram
- Share something about your pregnancy in the comment section below.
Sharing a comment or tweeting about the contest will get you additional entries. You may enter as often as you wish. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
More about Stokke Scoot…
NEW Stokke Scoot is taking compact and lightweight strolling to new heights. Stokke emphasis on the height of the stroller to foster all important eye contact with the child is the premise of this stroller’s design. Scoot is lightweight yet easy to push, with an intuitive one handed compact fold you can carry away easily with baby in hand when on the go. Stokke Scoot is the ideal solution for older babies, travel, navigating busy streets or public transit.
Stokke Scoot lifts your child closer helping you explore together. Stokke Scoot grows with your child. Easy to push, easy to fold, easy to carry away one-handed for your on the go lifestyle. The ideal solution for newborn babies, travel, navigating busy streets, narrow doorways and public transit. Weight: Lightweight 11,8 kg. Measures: D: 54 cm – L: 64 cm – H: 111 cm [Available at buybuybaby nationwide for $599.99]
– 4 recline to upright positions suitable from birth to 45 pound toddler
– Higher seat position makes it suitable for café or high chair substitute
– One handed compact fold
– Height adjustable handle
– Lightweight & easy to carry
– Extra roomy cargo basket
– Stable footrest
– Multi-Use 2 way rear and front facing seat
– Scoot is the ideal solution for older babies, travel, navigating busy streets or public transit.
thank you for the amazing giveaway
My body is really weird I dont know I am pregnant until I am 10-12 weeks:)
This is our first and am due this fall. As much as I’ve enjoyed getting to feel her move around and see her grow, seeing my husband’s reaction to all the first has been the best part for me. He never sits on the “dad” couch during ultrasounds, he usually ends up blocking my view of the screen because he wants to see everything!
And I would like to win this, because I would like to prove that this is the best Stroller in the world
And Stokke is the biggest help for moms :):)
Pregnancy is the most beautiful journey :):)
My tip would be to dress comfortably – especially in summer. Wear cute dresses with flip flops. The high heels are just not worth it when your pregnant…..
Leggings are my favorite pregnancy tool. They are great for work and about the only thing that fits comfortably!
Due 12/15 with number three! Eeeeeek! Super nervous!
I love being pregnant. Advice for labor: Drink tons of red raspberry leaf tea during your pregnancy and use Hypnobabies for your birthing method!
I am due 11/2 with #2
Enjoy it! Both of my pregnancies weren’t the funnest but it is such an amazing experience! I am not sure I will have anymore kids so I am regretting not really enjoying it a little more
I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes in my pregnancy. I could keep my numbers low by following one simple trick, even when I would eat the “bad” foods. My secret was to exercise for just 15 minutes within a half hour after a meal. My numbers would drop 20 points just by a simple, non strenuous workout. Even a walk will do the trick. I couldn’t eat anything I wanted but it did let me cheat a little. I ended up with a very healthy baby. My doctor couldn’t believe it.
I love when she gets the hiccups! The first time I was like what’s going on in there, but it’s so cute!!!
This stroller looks amazing! My favorite part of pregnancy was feeling my little girl kick and dance around. She’s still quite the mover and shaker at 9 and a half months
I loved being pregnant!!! until… 23 week while pregnant I was put on bedrest for the the remainder of my pregnancy. The dr told me that I had an 80% chance of my little girl not surviving. With much rest, patience, prayer and faith. March 12, 2013 (2 days after her due date) came the most precious face I had ever seen. I held her, cried, and said “I prayed for you”. Four months later, I look at her everyday and I’m thankful. I’m have the happiest, healthiest baby ever, life cant get any better than this!!!
I didn’t mind being preggers – I did have morning sickness for about 18 weeks with my 3rd. Ginger ale and saltine crackers helped me some. My little man is now 9 months old – would love this for him!
You are gorgeous pregnant and I thoroughly enjoy following you especially on instagram for all of your beauty and makeup tips. Continued blessing on the rest of your pregnancy and a healthy and happy delivery for you and baby!
This pregnancy has been interesting so far, we are due with our second in February and have had a few minor complications. We would love to win the stroller to push both babes around!!!
I am pregnant with twin girls! So crazy!
I’m due with my 4th girl in 10 days now… This pregnancy has by far been the worst. No complications however, my husband is a soldier and has been gone for most of this pregnancy leaving me with my 3 girls and NO help… Thank God he is back home and safe and will be here for our baby’s arrival! Thanks for the opportunity!
I am pregnant with my second right now and this pregnancy was SOOOO different; I have a six year old son and was therefore CONVINCED this was a girl. But nope, it is another boy.
I had NO sickness with my first and am sick every day with this little guy. When people say each pregnancy is different, they are NOT lying!!! However, I still feel healthy and blessed to be carrying another life and can’t wait to meet this little man.
Tips to reduce nausea: do not eat something sour, greasy, spicy, and drink a lot of water or ginger ale.
we are pregnant with our first … due this fall, and I couldn’t be more overjoyed! it’s wreaked havoc on my skin (lol) but meeting our little guy in november will make it all worth it. I am trying to savor every moment and change … seems to be flying by!
O Felicia, as you know, I couldn’t say much about the best part of being pregnant, but being a mom is all that and a bag of chips!
Being pregnant was the biggest miracle of my entire life. While I can’t say that I enjoyed every minute of it, I would do it all over again a million times to have my sweet Caitlyn. The Stokke will help to ease some of that tension my now 4 month old 17.5 pound baby is putting on my back! Lol!
My daughter is the one who is pregnant! She is due Aug 15, and it’s gonna be a boy!
tweet on 7/10
Well, i am not exactly pregnant. After 10 years of trying, 2 failed IVFs, and so many other failed procedures, we have decided to become foster parents and adopt. Unfortunately, that means I need a lot of gear very fast, so fingers crossed!
Truly one of the most exciting times in my life. I live in dresses now and I love taking long naps. Sleep has never been so necessary.
Im trying for my second child. My 1st was a breeze and I hear its harder the more you have. I got a lot of rest, drank tons of water, started my registry very early as people wanted to purchase me items quick and just enjoyed this new life starting. I am very happy for you and your family
First pregnancy.. Very unexpected but more than welcome.. I’ll never forget the day I took the test. As well as the first echo. Just few more days until we will see our unborn again and of course the gender of the baby. I always said I that I didn’t want to know the gender, but now I just can’t wait to find out!!! It is also very nice to read all the other stories. Good look mamma’s! Btw I live in the Netherlands, are there more Dutchies here?

I’m due 8/23 with our first girl. Her two brothers are so excited to meet her. They talk n hug my belly all the time.
38 weeks 1/2 . Almost there, can’t wait to see this bundle of joy although the nine months carrying him have been such a pain. My fave about pregnancy is knowing that inside of you something as small as a pea grew up to become an unforgettable person in your life: I call this the miracle.
This pregnancy was a total shock since we already have a 17month old who was only 11 months when we found out we were expecting again. Totally excited to have a Boy and now a Girl and I am due any day now:) Hoping I win this Stokke stroller!
Loved being pregnant and my bump- it was such a beautiful experience! I enjoyed taking monthly bump pictures and creating a journal/log of my first pregnancy
I cannot wait until number 2 and for our son to have a sister/brother in the near future 
So far my pregnancy has been great, I’m hoping for an easy delivery as well in early September. The most exciting thing has been hearing her heartbeat and feeling her move around.
Love before first sight!!!!
I usually only throw up once during the first week and I have that nausea feeling for the first three months which I think is almost worse. After that I usually feel great! I really enjoy being preggo!
I just had a baby a month ago so I would love this
but im so done having kids now!
Is only one week away! Kind of depressed because my oldest won’t be here to share in this event, had to in let my 10 yr old leave to academia camp. Look forward to him coming home and helping me dc out.
We want to try for another baby soon, our youngest is 20 months. I’m almost scared because I had morning sickness SO bad with my son & daughter. I love being far enough along to feel the baby kick, and the foot rubs from the husband too!
We’ve been trying to get pregnant for years and are finally expecting our first! I’m due in early December and just found out we’re having a girl! I’d totally love to take her around in this great stroller. Thanks!!!
I love being pregnant! I have four kids and each pregnancy was different but I was fortunate to be able to enjoy them. Don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of morning sickness, swelling, backaches, gestational diabetes and complaining here and there!
I was a thirty something girl who was not at all planning on having a baby!! But the same week I found out I was pregnant was the same week I found out my daddy had brain cancer. So needless to say my pregnancy was extremely stressful but at the end it proved to be a miracle for my entire family,
When I first found out I was pregnant, I was terrified. It was a new experience and something that no one can prepare you for. I’ve learned just how resilient,complex, and beautiful our bodies are. Women rock!
After being married for two years, we told our pushy parents that we decided to not have children, in an effort to dodge avoid any preassure. When we finally told them bearing grandparents themed gifts it was a burst joy and emotion worthy of YouTube!
After being married for almost two years; we told our pushy parents that we decided not to have children to deflect the pressure. When we broke the news bearing grandparents themed gifts, it was a burst of joy and emotion worthy of you tube! I’m glad we caught it on video!
I love being pregnant. I find maxi skirts and maxi dresses to be comfortable and cute while pregnant.
The best thing about pregnancy is seeing how your body changes and how it adapts to the life you are about to bring in the world. Each trimester brings a new joy as you get closer to the due date but nothing brings more joy as the first heartbeat, the sonogram to determine if it will be a boy or a girl, or the images as the little person inside you takes form. It’s these feelings which as a woman I’ve never understood the depth of a woman’s body until now.
I’ve been looking for a nice stroller with good wheel suspension for my baby on the way. I’m 4.5 months pregnant and a New York City resident. I’ve found that so many strollers with good wheels are awfully heavy and difficult to close. That is a subway traveling nightmare. This stokke looks great and is light weight and easy to close. The ideal stroller for me.
I would be stoked to win a Stokke Scoot!!!
Pregnancy & raising a child is hard work-especially looking good doing it!
With the Stokke Scoot I don’t have to worry about my baby looking safe AND stylish.
And with beauty tips and wisdom from ThisThat beauty, going to be lookin mommalicious!
I would love to win this! I have 4 yr old daughter but are trying for a second child now. My favorite part of being pregnant was feeling them move. It makes the experience so real b/c you can feel them growing. It’s awesome!
I LOVED being pregnant even though I suffered 40 weeks of all day sickness. I think I looked my happiest and healthiest carrying a little person.