This one’s all about ME…

Soooo TTB readers, your girl went and got herself some new “get ready for summer” highlights. As most of you know, I’ve been highlighting since about 2006. Not being one to plunge in head first (unless its a new beauty product) I’ve been slowly going lighter and lighter with each twice a year highlight touch-up. So again, in my “gettin ready for summer” mode I prance into my regular Dominican hair salon, see my regular stylist (of 10 years), have some regular chit chat, got my hair all foiled up like I regularly do…but girls and boys — the result was far from REGULAR.

See for yourselves and please advise.

I have a bottle of Sebastian Cellophane Colourshine in my midst and I’m armed and ready to report back to my Dominican “mommie” this weekend to have her tone down the Goldy Locks just a tad. But before I act too rash, I want to hear from my readers. Below, behold — a black blonde bombshell. LOL!

Please take the poll (on the upper right hand side) and advise…I’m lost without your input.

Marilyn M….I mean, Felicia

(click on pictures for larger view)

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  • Thanks LSS. Its definately growing on me.


  • BSS- i love it! Freshman year in college I was super blond and everyone loved it, even it was a mistake, lol. It def took some time getting used to, but I think you can pull it off. i did and after all, we are SSs. 🙂

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