“What’s ThisThatBeauty’s current obsession for sexy lashes”, you ask?
Ohhhh honey, I am huge fan of lash primer. Its a great way to create extra long lush lashes. Lash primer helps to prepare and condition lashes before mascara application. It creates a base and maximizes the result of the mascara. Lash primer is also awesome because even when paired with a mediocre mascara, you can achieve spectacular results.
The lash primer that’s currently piquing my interest is Lancome Oscillation Powerbooster. This vibrating and amplifying primer is meant to boost the performance of any mascara. Oscillation Powerbooster is brand new and available through Nordstrom.com and Lancome-USA.com
Below please see my lash boosting results! I paired Lancome Oscillation Powerbooster with a cheapy drugstore mascara…but wow, the results are anything but “cheapy drugstore”.
What do you think? Leave a comment:)
@Bailey – They totally make all the diff!
@Catapillar – So glad you like
Miss Pretty – Hmmm, so many drugstore favs…Lash Stiletto and Lash Blast are awesome!
I LOVE lash primer. Your lashes are divine! What is your favorite drugstore brand?
I like, I like.
I'm a big fan of lash primers too- I think it really makes a difference!