So I’ve decided to go straight 3rd grade essay assignment and list four things I’m grateful for this Thanksgiving. Honestly, I could go on and on for days…I am one blessed little lady. And not because my life is perfect (because it’s not)…but I am learning that life does not have to be perfect to be good. I always say, “I’m blessed despite it all”. No matter what comes my way, no matter the obstacle, I try to face it and say that I am blessed despite the obstacle and the obstacle is at my door because I can handle it. Living this way really helps me to feel very blessed each and every day.
But I’d love to know — what are you’re grateful for this Thanksgiving? How’s your year so far? Leave a comment, I want to hear from you. . .

1. The birth of my daughter:
As a women who writes for a living, I have to tell you that I struggle to find the words to express the gratitude in my heart over the birth of Phoebe. I have ALWAYS wanted to have a little girl…like when I envisioned a family in my mind, loooong before I ever even realistically thought of trying for a baby, I always imagined myself the mother of a daughter. But when I found out I was pregnant, my only desire was to have a healthy baby. And even when the doctor told us “girl”, I was still in disbelief. Up until that point I had thought, “Having a girl would be too much like right. There’s no way I would actually have a girl”. I’ve since learned to reshape my thinking and ask myself, “Why wouldn’t I expect God to give me my heart’s desire? Why wouldn’t I expect God to give me what I truly want?” This experience has truly changed how I think. I now try to approach situations, filled with the favor of God in my heart. I am truly trying to live a more favor focused life and believe that I posses the favor of God. This Joel Osteen sermon (#598 Live Favor-Minded) really crystallized the whole thing for me. You should click and listen.

2. The love and support of family and friends (that feel like family):
I remember a period in my life when I desired more friendships and tighter family bonds in my life. So much so that I prayed and prayed for it. When you reach a certain age, like 30, it’s unlikely that you’ll make new, true, feel-like-family friends. So to look around and see my incredibly supportive circle of family and friends both new and old…well, I am beyond thankful.

3. The gift of a career I chose:
For many years I worked a career that I just fell into. I not only worked that old career, I excelled at it…but it didn’t make my heart sing. Now I didn’t hate going to work, but I also wasn’t fulfilled way down deep. So to look around and take inventory of the professional life that I now have…a career that I chose and love tremendously — well, my heart is indeed full and grateful.

4. Post-baby SnapBack:
Yep, she is vain! Sue me. #KanyeShrug
One week post-Phoebe I was back in all of my old clothes…and that made me VERY happy. Even my doctors have marveled at my SnapBack. While stitching me up post c-section, my doctor said I had the best postpartum tummy he had ever seen…he said it looked like I hadn’t had a baby. The next day one of the residents on my delivery team came to my room and said the whole delivery team could not stop talking about my skin and how well it all came back together during the surgery. They asked if I used face cream on my belly…LOL! I credit my post baby physique to my pre-pregnancy diet and exercise plan as well as my during-pregnancy diet and exercise plan. I ate really well and focused on proper nutrition…not “eating-for-two” food portions. I walked daily…at least one mile. I’ll share more on my pre and post baby diet and exercise later (but spoiler alert–I’ve done nothing post baby…I’m 100% cruising on my pre-baby routine).
BONUS GRATITUDE: And it goes without saying — I am grateful for each and every one of YOU who read my blog and follow my daily shenanigans. There was a point in time when this blog was read by just a handful of folks (most of them blood relatives)…so to look at what we’ve achieved today, golly — I cannot help but feel immense gratefulness!
Happy Thanksgiving, my loves…
Thank you for this post. Each year I chose a word to focus on. This year it was gratitude.
Thank you for this post, especially “the gift of a career I chose.” I applaud your courage to live a “daring” life.