The Body Shop Says Yes Yes Yes to Safe Sex…

Yes, Yes, Yes…The Body Shop could cause a stir across the country with giant window posters challenging consumers to say “Yes, Yes, Yes, to safe sex”. The in your face posters will be coupled with free in store Durex ® condom hand outs as part of the global launch of a new HIV/AIDS safe sex campaign in conjunction with MTV Networks. To get lips moving about this vital issue, The Body Shop is also launching an exclusive Tantalizing Lip Butter ($8), to help raise funds for HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. Approximately $5 from every purchase of the fruity lip butter will benefit the Staying Alive Foundation, a charity empowering young people around the world to protect themselves and their communities against HIV and AIDS.  

Over the last two years MTV and The Body Shop have raised more than $2 million for the Staying Alive Foundation. This funding has provided grants to young people to work on HIV prevention efforts amongst their peers at a grass-root level. To find out more about award recipients benefiting from campaign support, visit:  

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