ThisThatBeauty Reviews: Simmons BeautyRest ComforPedic iQ

I cannot overstate the value of a good night’s sleep. And as the mom of a one year old, I gotta tell you – a peaceful and comfortable night’s rest is next to Godliness. So, what ensures a restful nighty night? Well, I would say two things, a clear head and a good bed!

Most nights I manage to clear my head just fine….I read a few inspirational scriptures from my trusty bible app, I say my prayers and off to sleep I go. But let’s focus on the second, really important thing you need for a good night’s rest – a good bed.

Simmons BeautyRest ComforPedic iQ

I was recently invited to test out Simmons BeautyRest ComforPedic iQ  mattress and boy was I jazzed (did I just say “jazzed”? Am I suddenly 80?) It’s been about 8 years since we purchased our last mattress so it seemed rather serendipitous to be presented the opportunity to try out the latest features in mattress technology.

Let’s first discuss my sleeping habits – I’m a major shifter. I toss and turn a good deal of the night…not to the point of waking up, but I just like to move around quite a bit. Simmons BeautyRest ComforPedic iQ  mattress seems to stop a lot of my habitual shifting by conforming to by body while I sleep. Simmons explains this responsiveness as Smart Response Technology. So wait? Was all of my night time shifting because my previous mattress was uncomfortable? Maybe.

I like that Comforpedic iQ  has Ultra Cool memory foam to help regulate temperature while I sleep. This is especially beneficial because I now sweat like the Dickens post-baby. Sigh.

Speaking of post-baby, I definitely notice that my body now takes more of a daily beating. So now, more than ever, I rely on the supportive comfort of a good mattress like Comforpedic iQ. As a working mother, my days start out performing  feats of strength and baby balancing…followed by a concrete pounding 1.5 hour commute into NY, press and market appointments in between, another  1.5 hour commute back home to NJ, then more feats of strength & agility balancing baby and reaching for some random toy whilst bending half backwards. It honestly is quite exhausting. Thankfully, now I have Simmons BeautyRest ComforPedic iQ  mattress to make it all better by morning.



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