Silk Peel: Part Deux

Hey ThisThatBeauty

A few days ago I wrote about necessary regular maintenance for the face.
So tonight I met with the lovely Michelle at Ingleton Dermatology for my regularly scheduled Silk Peel. I’m currently on a once a month schedule. As mentioned in my previous post regarding the Silk Peel, I think the long term benefits will be more obvious over time. At the very least I think I will need to invest in 2-3 more treatments before I see SIGNIFICANT returns. Michelle believes that I will see an improvement in pore size with continued use. This is an area where I’m definitely looking to see results. Michelle says that as the Silk Peel vacuums out the gunk, over time the pores will reduce in size because there’s less gunk under the surface. Michelle also expects to see some slight resurfacing of my minor scarring. Sounds good to me…we’ll check in on the long term benefits around January/ February.
As for short term/immediate benefits…after the Silk Peel my skin feels incredibly smooth to the touch. All roughness and build-up is immediately whisked away. My skin looks plump, fresh, and more even toned. I am definitely going to continue with my monthly Silk Peel regime. As for this evening’s results, see the pics below.
Here I am after tonight’s Silk Peel. I am sans makeup, except for a little eye liner and mascara which was not removed during the peel.
Do you notice a difference?

If you are interested in the Silk Peel, you may contact Michelle at 212-673-7100 or at Michelle offers a variety of spa services at Ingleton Dermatology, 14 East 4th Street, NY, NY.

For the Fall, Michelle is running a Silk Peel/ Oxygen Facial special for $145. Call to inquire. I encourage you to give Michelle a try…I doubt you will be disappointed.
Your skin with THANK YOU!
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  • @Cult Diva – Hey girlie! I experienced no peeling at all. Whats TCA?


  • Cult Diva says:

    Your skin looks awesome.Was there much peeling? I had a TCA peel last week and I still look like lizard girl!

  • Seymone –
    No WAY it cleared that fast!
    OMG, thats even better than I anticipated. I’m sooo glad it worked for you. Its not cheap but totally worth it! You have no idea how happy I am for you. ANd it was such a pleasure to meet you. I’ll be seeign you a lot before Feb, for sure.


  • Hey sis. It was great meeting u yesterday. Okay so I tried the Beta Peel and I am in love. The area I showed you yesterday cleared up completely, so I am thinking it was probably black heads or clogged pores. I loved it so much I went today to buy it. My makeup went on flawlessly today. Thanks again.

  • you’d like the silk peel for scarring for sure. but you should talk to michelle regarding your sensitivity to enzymes and such.

    as for the serum…i promise more info shortly. i was sworn to secrecy so i cant give up any details just yet. but if it helps (and this certainly is deterring me) it’s like $145 for less then one ounce. This DEF has me feeling some type way. feel me? LOL


  • Face Mode says:

    Girll.. well I’m trying to get remotely like you..I have very bad skin scars easy..but it is really really soft.. but sensitive..
    Sad part is 🙁 I can’t use any enzymes on my face..cause it breaks me out.. or any kind of acid.. scrubs do okay if it doesnt have any acids…

    I absolutely adore serums..They feel like Satin..I’m using AB EyeCream thats a serum..and mannnn it feels fabulous… my eyes thank me for it

    Okay if you tell me about the serum.. I promis and pinky agree that I wont talk about it until you do.. HA!.. I wanna know..*in my little girl voice*

  • Kells – You’re such a dear. This is part of why I have “ok” skin. I am also religiously committed to a sound daily regime. Its crazy the amount of time and effort i put in. But you get what you give. I do have some slighlty enlarged pores and mild scarring. i am hoping the silk peel will help with that. Michelle gets them faithfully every 3 weeks. and she recommended a serum i am dying to try. she aid she used to be a smoker and it totally healed her skin. her face is like a baby’s butt. I’m going to write about the serum after i try it. girl, you’re right. we need an interview!


  • Face Mode says:

    fantastic…but you already have great skin..!! well I guess this is why..

    I need like 20 appts… lol

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