Hey everyone – Join me once again as I tweet LIVE from Robert Verdi‘s Luxe Laboratory at the upcoming “Tweet This” event. If you enjoyed all of the fun, great tips, and surprise celeb guests from my last visit to Robert Verdi’s Luxe Laboratory Twitter event…you don’t want to miss out tomorrow!
This time Robert will dish deets on great last minute holiday gift ideas for everyone one your list. I better listen up because I’ve barely made a dent in my holiday shopping. Tsk tsk! During “Tweet This” Robert will also share insider shopping secrets and sage advice on navigating crowds and getting the best deals.
To join in on the live Twitter fun, simply:
- Log in to Twitter Dec 17 at 7:00PM as Robert dishes his picks for great last minute gifts
- Follow me on Twitter @ThisThatBeauty
- Follow Robert Verdi @RobertVerdi (you might want to begin following @RobertVerdi before the event for Twitter alerts and sneak previews)
- Tweet live with us using hashtag #rvtips
- Participate in the conversation and fun giveaways
Tweet ya later