I recently strolled pass your shiny new mascara display at my local Walgreen’s and decided to give Max Lash Precise a try. Both the price tag ($3.49) and brush style (thin) immediately caught my attention. I couldn’t wait to get you home and wrap you around my lashes. Oh the excitement of a new beauty buy!
Thanks for the thrills!
Unfortunately my Jane thrill was short lived. The thrill of the hunt/acquisition was far more exciting than the actual results. See for yourself:
Here’s the packaging. Shrewd move, Jane. Display the brush and that will attract em’. Well this tactic totally hooked me. I love a thin brush!
Here I am sans mascara. I swear my lash line looks bald!
And here I am with two coats. While its an improvement, I don’t really feel the excitement.
I ended up adding about 4 coats just to make myself presentable to get out the door. Upon applying the mascara I found the formula to be really thick and somewhat difficult to apply. It was actually a little painful…if that makes sense. Basically, working the thick formula was a bit stressing on my itsy bitsy wittle lashes. Yeouch!
Anyone out there have experience with this product? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please share with a comment.
@LSS – Yes there’s a diff but I wouldnt call it ‘major’. and the result you see required way too many coats and the friggin formula totally made my lash line hurt. its just so thick. try at your own risk
dude, there’s a MAJOR difference b/t before and after. unless the before back was inaccurate, i think you trippin’.