Panties in a Bunch: A Good Thing???

Trust me on this one girls.  Getting your Panties in a Bunch is indeed, as Martha would say, “A Good Thing”.  I’ve got my Panties in a Bunch and I love it.  
OK enough with the cryptic speak. You know darn well I’m not all giddy over an undergarment malfunction. Yuck!  

Isn’t she delectable?  Diane Brill beautifully packages six yummy lip glosses in a fun frilly french lingerie box….which makes Panties in a Bunch absolutely adorable for gift giving.  What Bella wouldn’t eat this up?  
Each lip gloss is delicately packed in a ruffled bon-bon paper. In addition to being glamorous, these glosses are also packed with vitamins, antioxidants, humectants, and a pouty  lip plumper.  
The six knickerly inspired gloss colors represent three of Diane Brill’s bestsellers and three limited edition colors which were exclusively designed for this special collection.  

Here’s how Diane Brill describes the collection:

These are your fancy panties, the ones you slip on for that special evening. Packaged together, these mini versions of the full size glosses are tiny tasty temptations perfect for holidays

Frilly Thong  – electric rose
Sheer String  – warm nude mega sparkle
Jewelled G-String  – opalescent with mega sparkle
Pearly Panty  – cool nude violet with shimmer
Vinyl V-String  – scarlet with gold mega sparkle
Satin Hipster  – dual tone lippy/gold mega sparkle

Here I am below showing off the entire Panties in a Bunch Collection.
If you want your Panties in a Bunch, click HERE.
(other than the gloss, it was a rather ho-hum no makeup day…pls forgive me:-))
Frilly Thong
Sheer String

Jewelled G-String

Satin Hipster

Vinyl V-String

Pearly Panty

NYLON magazine recently featured Diane Brill.
Learn more about the woman behind the brand:

The Warhol party girl tells NYLON her beauty secrets.

Dianne Brill is no one-trick pony.

After a stint as Warhol muse, Jean Paul Gaultier model, and global party girl in the ‘80s, the blonde bombshell moved briefly out of the spotlight. But she definitely didn’t disappear; instead, she moved to Zurich and started playing around with beauty products.

Twenty years later and Brill is now the woman behind Dianne Brill Cosmetics, a collection of eye shadows, lipsticks, face creams, and fragrances that look as good on as they do sitting on a vanity. She spoke with NYLON about the models she loves, the makeup trends she hates, and just what it takes to be a professional party girl.

What first got you interested in beauty?
I wanted to offer women my version of beauty, since it isn’t exclusive to just one type of woman. When I approach it, I’m looking for a “feeling”; I want to feel pampered, adored, and polished. And instead of an austere look, I wrap up my products in beautiful packages for you to open with pleasure.

What beauty trends do you love?
Smoky eyes are so very sexy, even in daylight when you work with browns. I’m also happy to see cool nudes with sparkle in glosses and the return of red lipstick.

Any you hate?
Even though matte white mouths look great in a close up shot in a magazine, they look absolutely dry and uninviting worn in daylight.

You’ve got five minutes to get ready for a party—what’s your beauty routine?
Definitely full lashes and a creamy red mouth.

Any tips for looking good the morning after a particularly wild and crazy night?
My Still and Fill Ice Pack de-puffer—the snake venom in the product calms the drama—as well as my eye brightener, which is a whitish-pink waterproof eye pencil, in the inner corner of both eyes.

As a former model, are there and runway walkers you particularly love right now?
I love Agyness, Lily, Sophie Dahl (still), and Crystal Renn, who is a mega-curvy, raven-haired, light-skinned plus-sized model who works a lot with Dolce & Gabbana.

How did you make the transition from party girl to entrepreneur?
To be a successful model, author, party queen, or beauty designer, you have to make a commitment that no matter what, you will be true to yourself and never lie about who you are, what you think, or what you want. This commitment gives a trust that helps others to believe too. When another person believes with you, then at least two of you do—and that is when it all starts to happen.

What’s your advice to girls who want to start their own business?
If you’re starting a business, you have to mean it. When you believe your idea will work, then every time you hear “no”, be clear that “no” is just a step closer towards hearing “yes”. With that, success is in the cards!

Visit for more info.

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  • @diana – i’m glad you enjoyed the post! these little glosses are super fun, unique, and good for your lips!


  • I like the whole “panties in a bunch” concept. It’s pretty silly but sounds like a great lip gloss collection. I’m such the lip gloss fiend and I’m always up to finding new stylish and unique lip glosses. Thanks for the post.

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