Advertorial: NYFW with HP and Project Runway

HP Project Runway Fashion & Technology Panel
HP Project Runway Fashion & Technology Panel

Au revoir, New York Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 13. What a week! I mean, when you kick off the week with a snowstorm (Hey, Nemo, hey) you just know things are going to be eventful — and eventful they were!

Braving Nemo
Here I am Day 1, braving Nemo!

On Saturday, February 9, I participated in HP’s Blogger Panel Discussion on the integration of Fashion and Technology. The panel was held at Skylight Studio and afterwards, there was a Project Runway Reunion Party (but more the party later).

HP Project Runway Fashion & Technology Panel
HP Project Runway Fashion & Technology Panel

I had the pleasure of sharing the panel with Moderator Yuli Ziv (Founder & CEO of Style Coalition), Synde Summer (Sydne Style), Lauren Dimet Waters (Second City Style), and Sarah Conley (StyleIt). During the panel I enjoyed discussing how technology influences creativity and how we use technology to enhance our coverage and build on our ideas. For example, using HP technology, lots designers now use tablets to sketch and conceptualize their collections. . . not long ago, this technology was available only to those with deep pockets — but now it’s readily to the masses. While on the panel, it was great to hear the thoughts of other influencers (my fellow panelists) and their ideas on how technology helps to manage their hectic schedules and day-to-day tasks.

During the panel I shared my personal takeaways on blogging and technology:

– #TeamTablet …The Tablet is the way to go! My on-the-go lifestyle demands technology that is easy, efficient, and lightweight. HP delivers!

– Send in the clones …Through the use of advanced technology, I am able to be in many places at one…all while being at home in my PJ’s. You have to love that!

After the panel, it was time for the party! And what a party it was…wall-t0-wall former Project Runway cast members everywhere!

Project Runway Reunion Party
Recognize any of your favorites?

Project Runway Reunion Party

Project Runway Reunion Party

Project Runway Reunion Party

Project Runway Reunion Party

All in all, HP/ Project Runway was a major highlight of my Fashion Week. I got to flex my inner nerd and talk tech, while also sharing my passion for fashion, beauty, and personal style. I also had the opportunity to recharge daily at the Style Coalition/ HP Press Lounge at the Empire Hotel. . . this was nothing short of a God send. In between shows, I was able to get a bite to eat, update my blog, post a few tweets, and charge my phone — all very crucial things for my on-the-go lifestyle!

For more of my HP/ Project Runway coverage, check out my videos on Vine. Also follow my Instagram account (@ThisThatBeauty #HPProjectRunway). . .you’ll find some really cool pictures from the event!

Until next season!


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