Now usually I don’t do this…

There are two things I usually do not do:

1) Red lipstick
Well today TTB, I’m breaking my own rules!
For years I have tried desperately to wear red lipstick.  I have also tried desperately to patronize Benefit cosmetics.  Allow me to explain.
First I’ll start with Benefit cosmetics.  What a quirky, fun, whimsical  brand!
I love everything about Benefit…the retro feel, the pretty packaging, the cute stories behind the products, etc.  I love  everything except the actual cosmetics.  And its not for lack of trying.  For YEARS beauty editors have sang the praises of Benefit.  It seems everyone and their momma loves top selling Benefit products like BeneTint  

and High Beam.    While these products seem to have reached holy grail status for most, they’ve never created any spark for me.

When Benefit introduced  Boing,  an  

awesome  new concealer, I raced right out to Macy’s to try it…only to have the counter lady turn me away
telling me  the product would not work on my complexion.  
Hey Benefit,  
What gives?  Why don’t your colors work for me?
Anyhoo, as you know, I was in Chicago last week.  While there I hit up the Sephora on Michigan Avenue. After making my NARS and Stila purchases, I strolled by Benefit and rolled my eyes. As my eyes were opening up mid roll, I  

noticed a display of new Benefit product.  New lipsticks.


I think to myself.  

“What’s this”

Well as it turns out Benefit  has recently launched a line of Silky Finish lipsticks.  The lipsticks come in three color families:  
The Lana Look  – light neutral shades
The Gabbi Look –  medium neutral shades
The Betty Look –  deep neutral shades

So back to how I never wear red lipstick.  Well guess what I bought from Benefit???  You guessed it. Red lipstick!  Its a color call Ms Behavin’, to be exact. This color is from the “Betty” family.  So here I am, just a breaking all the rules.  I  cant believe I actually own a Benefit product AND its a red lipstick.  Whoah, a two-fer!  This is huge.  Well behold, below you will find my red lips.  I like the look.  What say you?
Finally Benefiting from Benefit,  
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  • Hi there!

    Your makeup artist’s technique is actually quite common. other options include concealer stick or a color corrector concealer as a base. You might also want to try a neutral tone lip liner as base before nude-ish colored gloss or lipstick. I hope this is helpful Please let me know.


  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Felicia!

    I am like you. I do not do red lipstick. The reason being, I have very full lips and they are two tone. Bottom lip is pink or red depending on my mood 🙂 and top lip is brownish. One of my favorite looks (if I can achieve it) is nude color on my lips. Please help!!! My make-up artist (and he is a beast!!!) covers my lips with foundation to get even tone…surely there’s got to be a more humane way.



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