No Beauty, Just Obama

(To get political or not on my beauty blog…hmmm? What to do, what to do?
Heck, I’m going for it.
Non Obama supporters, please excuse the fan

Barack Obama has clinched the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

The total number of delegates needed to secure the nomination is 2,118. Right now, Barack has the support of at least 2,179 delegates, which gives him a lock on the nomination.


I am extremely excited for an Obama presidency. I believe part of his strength is his ability to inspire Americans, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, social/ economic status, etc. He makes us proud to be Americans. His story says “Yes you too can grow up to be President of the United States”. Obama is all about the business of moving this country forward in an unprecedented manner.


So here I am below in my homemade Team Barack t-shirt that I’ve been rockin forever. Oh this lil tee has gone the distance since it was created with an $18 American Apparel t-shirt and $2 iron-ons from Walmart. Its been all over our great country, east coast to west, displaying my support for President Obama.

Below you will find my mighty little t-shirt with with friends, celebs, and Obama supporters.

We did it little t-shirt, we did it. YES WE CAN!!!

Here I am the day I finished making my t-shirt. I was so proud:

Here’s my t-shirt in LA at a Clippers/Mavericks game with Clippers/Mavericks players…and Mavericks owner :

Here I am in NY headed to brunch with my BFF:

And here’s BFF, Monireh aka “The Original Obama Girl”. Seriously!

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