I really truly long to be better to the earth and leave behind the tiniest carbon footprint possible. But, if we’re being honest, the task of “going green” can be a bit overwhelming…at first. Change is never easy! So when I learned of Unilever Project Sunlight — I had a bit of an ‘a ha!’ moment about going green and sharing some useful tips on making the task just a bit less daunting.

My best advice is to start small. Resist the urge to take on an arduous activity. Instead, start with something simple and easy that feels seamless. And don’t feel like a slacker and think ‘Ugh, I’m not doing enough’…starting and maintaining one small act of going green is wayyy better than starting something BIG and losing momentum.
Unilever Project Sunlight can help you get your ‘green-ness’ off the ground in just a few, fun steps.
1. View this amazing little film, “The Way Kids See It“. I promise you will fall in love with each and every one of these tiny humanitarians . . .and you will find yourself inspired to create a better future for children.
2. Follow along as I share a Summer Sunlight Activity in an effort to go green. I will use ‘1 Ingredient, 5 ways‘. Look out for that blog post to publish soon!
3. Join in by sharing stories and tips, tag @UnileverUSA using #brightfuture on Twitter and Facebook.
4. I’d love to learn from YOU! Please leave comments below to share your reaction to the film and some of the inspiring ideas from children in your family.
DISCLOSURE: While this post is part of a sponsored campaign by Unilever Project Sunlight, all experiences and opinions expressed are entirely my own.