Makeup Bag: Redux

If you’re anything like me, your makeup bag runneth  over.  
I don’t know how it happens but somehow  I end of with…welll…see for yourself:
(actual contents of my current makeup bag)
Here’s what happens –  
I collect makeup over time…
These items quickly become my FAVORITE THINGS…
I toss items in my makeup bag because I cannot possibly live without them…
Next thing I know, I’m carrying around 5lbs of makeup!
Currently I’m carting around all kinds of “crush of the moment” items. And as you can see from the picture above, its time for a little Makeup Bag Redux.
From season to season your makeup needs change and so should what you’re carrying around in your makeup bag. For this time of year, the holidays, your makeup  bag should carry your essentials, PLUS some holiday umph for afterwork parties!
So lets begin our makeup bag makeover.  
As you can see from the picture above, I am carry around too  much makeup, but I am also missing  some essentials.  For example, I have several eye shadow palettes in my bag but no eye makeup brushes.  One night, for an after work function, I had to do an eye shadow application with nothing but my fingers.  
Here are the essentials, according to ThisThatBeauty:
  1. Face powder
  2. Cream foundation stick that can double as concealer
  3. Blush color that will pop your cheeks and refresh your face  
  4. Highlighter that will illuminate the inner corner of eyes, under eye area, and planes of cheeks
  5. Lip color that will refresh your face
  6. Sparkly eye shadow that can add a bit of fun and flirt after work.  A palette with a matte and a sparkly color is perfect
  7. Neutral  lip color or gloss
  8. Mascara (Only if you never apply in the morn.  If you apply in the morn, mascara is one of those things you never really need to re-apply)
  9. Deep color eyeliner to pop your eyes or create a quick smokey look – Black will suffice but try a  beautiful green, blue, and purple jewel tone
  10. Travel brush set for the eyes and face.  Your face brush can double as your blush brush in a pinch
Well I gotta go implement my own advice and makeover my makeup bag…this could take a while!  
So ladies, how over stuffed are your makeup bags?  
Leave a comment or send pics!  
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  • Hey lady.. That is alot of stuff. I have all of my goodies in a small MAC trend bag. Can u give a break down of the stuffies?LOL. Look at me putting myself in trouble.

  • Hey ladies -Ya, that makeup is all mine. If you look closely you’ll see lots of stuff i’ve recently reviewed. Im telling yall, stuff becomes my crush of the moment and i cant stand to part with it!


  • Face Mode says:

    begeezus…..please tell me you didnt carry all of this in your purse…

    you need a traincase for this..

    it looks like some great goodies though :- D

    you know all over it…

  • omg this is soooooooo meee!!!! the only thing i don’t hae is the comb (i’m locked!) but the polish brushes,etc. is actually split between 2 bags. really sad!! but i see i might be worse as i actually keep some of the items in their boxes… yeh either for preservation purposes or just haven’t used it yet! =(((

    i’m debating on my essentials, cuz i do a makeup look based on what i have time for =p

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