ThisThatBeauty Reviews: Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer and Smooth Finish Flawless Fluide

Now how does that famous quote go?…”Flawless skin is next to godliness”. Ok, I just made that up. But when my skin is free of imperfections, I gotta tell you — I feel unstoppable and maybe even a little Godly. I feel like the Queen of Everything. But with skin-tuations (I just made that up, too…skin+situations) like occasional breakouts, uneven tone, and hyperpigmentation — flawless skin seems totally out of reach. Luckily, with the right arsenal of complexion-enhancing products, pristine skin is possible.

Lately I’ve been faking perfection with two really gorgeous foundations. Well, one is a tinted moisturizer, aka “my weekend boo,” and the other is an actual foundation.

Smooth Finish Flawless Fluide

When I first heard about  Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Flawless Fluide, I squealed a little because there’s nothing more promising than swatching a foundation with the word ‘flawless” in its name. With 24 shades from Shell to Espresso, I was confident I’d find a solid shade match…but to make sure, I visited the Laura Mercier counter at Bergdorf Goodman and a very lovely Beauty Advisor matched me to “Pecan.” I was immediately drawn to the ultra lightweight consistency (obviously no one likes heavy-feeling foundation). Laura Mercier describes this dreamy, light-as-air formulation as Hydro-Brilliant Technology, “where true color pigments rest at the bottom of the package while reflective waters float to the top. Vigorously shaking the package before each use ensures the pigments blend with the reflective waters to create fresh colour every time.”

In picking a foundation, the Beauty Advisor gave me some great tips that I’d love to pass on to you:

– Always match to makeup-free skin. This might sound like a no-brainer, but I’ve been guilty of swatching over my current foundation. Clearly the problem with that is that you’re not getting an accurate match to actual skin.

– Choose the texture that works for your skin type. For example, skin that’s mature or dry might require a more hydrating formula like a cream or rich liquid. While oily skin will gravitate toward powders and oil-free liquid formulations.

– Live in the foundation a couple of days before committing to a purchase. Test it in daylight and at night and get a feel for how the formula wears. Once you’ve done this for a couple of days, go back and buy a full-size bottle.

– For stay-all-day coverage, always prime skin first. This is essential for a budge-proof wear.

Well, seeing is believing. Here I am wearing  Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Flawless Fluide…and it’s rather evident that this foundation lives up to its name.

Laura Mercier evening look

Laura Mercier Foundation Primer
Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Flawless Fluide
Laura Mercier Caviar Stick Eye Colour in Amethyst
Laura Mercier Caviar Stick Eye Colour in Tuxedo
Laura Mercier Full Blown Volume Supreme Lash Building Mascara in Black
Laura Mercier Lip Glacé in Orchid

When the weekend rolls around, I generally want to be completely sans makeup…except for a little spot coverage, tiny bit of liner, like one layer of mascara, and a sheer lip. Oh, who am I kidding?…I still love a good beauty moment for the weekend, but I prefer to go wayyy more natural than my  Monday  through  Friday  look.

Laura Mercier Weekend look

So, for my off-duty moments I reach for  Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer. My shade is Walnut. For a seriously,glowy, model-off-duty look, I mix two drops of face oil with Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer and holy fresh-faced, Batman!

Laura Mercier Daytime Look

Laura Mercier Foundation Primer Radiance
Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer in Walnut
Laura Mercier Caviar Stick Eye Colour in Amethyst
Laura Mercier Lip Glacé in Pink Pop
Laura Mercier Full Blown Volume Supreme Lash Building Mascara in Black

Want to get in on the action and show off your flawless face?
Join The Laura Mercier Instagram Challenge! The contest starts October 14th.

Show Us Your Fresh Face For a Chance to Win $1,000 of Laura Mercier Products
• Use the hashtag #LMFlawlessContest

That’s it!!
I can’t wait to see your entries!!

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Laura Mercier through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Laura Mercier, all opinions are my own

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