Lancome Beauty Booty

I don’t know about you but I loves me some Beauty Booty.  You know what I mean by Beauty Booty, right?  Oh come on…you know what I’m talking about!  

Beauty Booty is the little beauty extra you get with your beauty purchase.  The fancy department store folk call it “Gift with Purchase”. Or some retailers get  super duper fly and try to pull that “Purchase with Purchase” mess…grrrr, I’m not generally a fan of “Purchase with Purchase”.  I prefer to buy myself a nice lil cosmetic trinket some where in the requisite ballpark of $29.50 and whoop-dee-doo, the free Beauty Booty is all mine.
Last Friday while watching the Lancome Beauty event on HSN, I had my mind all set that it’s  high time I try out the new Oscillation mascara.  I have no idea what’s been holding me back from taking the plunge. I’m usually game for new products but for some reason I hadn’t quite taken the Oscillation bait.  
So back to HSN…I’m completely convinced that after consuming exactly 13 minutes and 13 seconds of programming,  you can pretty much be  convinced  into ordering anything………..

I’ll take it!
Gimme two!
How have I been sleeping without these???
So I say all of this to say —> The Lancome Beauty Event on HSN had pretty much sold me on Oscillation.  The only thing left to do was strategize my  purchase. Where to buy?…where to buy?
Oscillation is available at Sephora, one of my all time fav beauty stores. Thanks to Sephora’s Beauty Insider program, I have a ga-zillion points which allow me to redeem free Beauty Booty with every purchase.  But as of late, Sephora’s Beauty Insider Beauty Booty is always stuff I either don’t want, can’t use, or already have enough of.  
I decided to not buy Oscillation at Sephora.  Instead (and form your opinions quietly:)) I decided to stroll from department store to department store and shop the best Lancome Beauty Booty/ “Gift with Purchase” offering. Upon reaching the struggling better department store that is Macy’s, I found this little GEM!
Lancome Travel Chic Gift Set
Spend $29.50 and receive:
  • Travel themed cosmetic bag
  • 2 full size lipsticks
  • Mascara
  • Eye make-up remover
  • 4 eye shadow mirrored compact
  • YOUR CHOICE of cleanser  
  • YOUR CHOICE of moisturizer
So I finally scored Oscillation and got a pretty cool Beauty Booty bonus (say that three times fast). Expect an Oscillation review soon 🙂
Now a word about Beauty Booty.  If it aint good, it aint worth having.  So if the free Beauty Booty is stuff you don’t like or can’t use, it does you no good.  I love that the Travel Chic eye palette and lipsticks are very beautiful and extremely wearable.  And for all of the brown girls out there…how many useless mauve “Gift with Purchase” lipsticks have you had to toss?  I’ve certainly tossed my fair share.  Well Travel Chic breaks the mold. The eye palette is a great day to night combination. It contains two neutral matte shades (Latte and Waif), one bronzey shimmer (Mannequin), and one deep metallic (The New Black).
Here I am below rocking the eye palette (all four shades) and Le Rouge Absolu in Luxe.
What say you? Are you feeling this Beauty Booty Gift with Purchase?
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Do we like? Are you running right out for some Lancome Beauty Booty?
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  • Ladies – Isnt this collection perfectly appropriate. Such potential!

    @ Danielle – Thanks darling! I’ll try 🙂

    @Staci – Ok now I wanna see your Lancome Face of the Day, Miss Thing 🙂

    @kemmie3 – Dont sleep momma. Get yours!

    @Anonymous/ Sharon – Come out the shadows. LOL. Here, here! I’m all about the gift with purchase or beauty insider points at sephora 🙂

    @FaceMode – Thanks Kells. That means a whole lot coming from you my dear 🙂

  • Face Mode says:

    the browns are absolutely fabulous…

    it looks perfect on you.. great alternative to the black smokey..

    i love my love.. 😉

  • Anonymous says:

    i am a loyal lancome fan ,with the exception of a couple of dior items -its always lancome for me and i buy only when there is a gift with purchase on. i worked for several companies back in the day and the one thing i learned was that you don’t buy unless there is a promo on and with the economy the way it is right now that makes sense . sharon

  • Girl, I was so ready to pass this up but looking how good the colors look on ya, darn it! I guess I will have to reconsider!

  • The colors are beautiful on you! I am loyal to Lancome (with the exception of a few MAC products) and always look for a good free gift with purchase. I’m heading to Macy’s this weekend!!

  • I really like!! Awesome job on your makeup. Keep up the good work.

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