I’ve been to the mountain top…

I say, I said “I’ve been to the mountain top…”

Well actually more like the summit, THE ARTIST SUMMIT. Get it? Mountain top. Summit.

Ok, enough with the fun and games and time to get down to brass tacks!
THE ARTIST SUMMIT was an amazing educational and networking opportunity. If you weren’t able to attend, keep your eyes peeled for future THE POWDER GROUP events.
If you’re a makeup artist or in the beauty industry, you already know whats up.
But if you’re an aspiring makeup artist, or someone who likes to dabble in makeup, or just a major makeup whore (that’s how I started out)…you MUST stay in the loop with THE POWDER GROUP and attend their events.
Some events are “pro only” but this last event was open to the public.

I had the pleasure of meeting up with my contest winners at THE ARTIST SUMMIT. Two were heavily into makeup and the others were newbies….but each thoroughly enjoyed the event and got a lot out of the seminars. And don’t get me started on the THE SUMMIT SHOP!
I am extremely thankful to all of the pros and brands present that helped to make ThisThatBeauty’s experience at THE ARTIST SUMMIT one of community, camaraderie, sharing, and caring.
Not to sound corny, but the folks in this community are simply tops and genuinely care about the future of their craft. Their mentorship warms my heart and keeps me encouraged!
The folks who made the biggest impression, in order of when I met them:
1) Mr. Michael Devellis and Caroline Song –

It was very fitting that Michael Devellis was the first person I met at THE ARTIST SUMMIT. After all, he’s only the founder of THE POWDER GROUP.
When I arrived at roughly noonish, Mr. Devellis was at the registration table greeting attendees. I’m sure his day started way earlier than my noontime arrival, but there he was as fresh as a summer’s breeze greeting folks and thanking them for their attendance. Love that!
I also loved that Michael kinda knew who I was…and not in a “Do you know who I am kinda way?” (because frankly, I aint that girl)…but in a “I sense I know you and we’ve talked before” kind of way.
Despite how hectic THE ARTIST SUMMIT may have been behind the scenes, Michael was always an extremely gracious host. He’s a class act through and through. Michael is also very supportive of the Beauty Blogger community, and for this I am forever grateful.

2) Kevin James Bennett and MAKE UP FOR EVER

Mr. Bennett led a seminar on Hi-Def Beauty. Lets just say that this seminar changed my life and I have IMMEDIATELY incorporated MAKE UP FOR EVER’s Hi Def Foundation as my pro kit’s go to foundation. I also want to mention the Amazing Heidi, of MAKE UP FOR EVER. She’s always a pleasure and a joy to do business with. I really do heart the folks over at MAKE UP FOR EVER!
Expect upcoming reviews of three new MAKE UP FOR EVER products!
3) Eve Pearl –
Ms. Pearl is a five-time Emmy Award winning makeup artist with over 15 years of experience in television, film, theatre, and print. She led a seminar on starting your own makeup line. And like the Hi-Def Beauty seminar, Eve Pearl’s seminar changed my life. I was most impressed with her candor and mentoring attitude. During the seminar she passed around her products which were the most velvety textures I had ever experienced in eye shadow and blush..seriously, EVER!
Eve Pearl has recently opened a new studio and boutique in NY at 805 Third Ave (between 49th and 50th ). Please pay her a visit.
While at THE ARTIST SUMMIT I could not resist Eve Pearl’s Smudge Proof Liquid Eye Liner in Black Pearl. This is the blackest liquid eye liner I’ve seen in a while. But beyond that, the liner starts black from the first stroke. Some liquid liners streak and then deposit the full color. Eve’s liquid liner is “black black” from start to finish.
Look forward to a full review of the liner soon…and hopefully reviews of other products from Eve’s line!
4) Shiny Mama –

Shiny Mama’s energy is second to none. I love this woman! Not only does Shiny Mama offer the most Rocking-est shimmer/glitter products since Tony and Tina…Shina Mama has the attitude to sell a Fudge Popsicle to a granny wearing white Easter gloves. I can’t say enough good things about Shiny Mama aka Yana Chupenko and her generosity, warmth, energy, and sincerity!
5) Armour Beauty –
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to meet the lovely creators and founders of Armour Beauty – “Because Beauty is Your Armour”.
According to the creators, Armour Beauty is where high fashion meets Rock ‘N Roll…Well alright, I’m all for that! In fact, I have two of their glosses to review. I swatched the colors at THE ARTIST SUMMIT and was truly intrigued. You’re going to like this, ThisThatBeauty. More to come soon, I promise!
6) BillyB –
Or Billy “BadA$$” B, as I like to call him….Or “MAKEUP GOD” as he’s known in my head and prayers. If you for a second doubt that this man is MAKEUP GOD, please check the client list.
See, told ya, he’s MAKEUP GOD!
For a brief moment, I was under consideration to be a BillyB model.
Oh I think I’d leave my husband for a chance to have BillyB touch my face (joking, yet serious, psych I’m joking….yet somewhat serious).
A member of BillyB’s crew approached me and asked if I’d like to model for BillyB. As soon as I regained consciousness, my response was an enthusiastic “HELLS YEA”…but boo hoo, Billy had already selected a model from the audience. But in the words of Susan “the loser” Lucci, “Its an honor just being nominated”. Yes, tis an honor.
Well MAKEUP GOD was gracious enough to snap a quick pic with yours truly…so here I am, trying very hard to contain myself. Oh to touch the hem of his garment…….
6) Elke Von Freudenberg –

Ms. Von Freudenberg is the founder of The Beauty Blog Network. She led the Beauty Bloggers Forum and was truly an inspiration!
Folks, as I wrap up this post, I am attaching additional info on THE POWDER GROUP, because essentially, they’re the folks who put me in touch with all of the amazing people listed above. THE POWDER GROUP does a great job of putting on high caliber events for the beauty community. I am eternally thankful for their support and mentorship. Please check out THE POWDER GROUP and learn more!
Lastly I want to thank YOU, my ThisThatBeauty community, for continued support, loyalty, and encouragement. It takes a village and y’all help comprise my village.
I love you for reading,


If you love makeup – The Powder Group invites you to be curious.

Our concept is simple: We want to be your resource for all things makeup.

We create and present innovative events for makeup professionals and consumers who share our passion for the art of makeup. We ask you to open your mind to new – sometimes unexpected – ways of experiencing makeup artistry. We encourage you to develop a new set of skills, rethink techniques and take an unconventional, fresh and passionate approach to growing as an artist.

We encourage a strong sense of community and present our events and programs in a relaxed, non-competitive environment. We offer a diverse range of topics that combine artistic and business skills, personal growth, and creative thinking in order to develop the artist as a whole.

Founded by Michael DeVellis, a 14 year veteran of the makeup artist industry, and based in beauty capital of the world New York City, The Powder Group is made up of a collective of talent that spans the makeup artist industry and the globe. Our artists and presenters are working experts from the areas of film, television, theater, fashion and editorial. Our seminars, lectures, workshops and special events cover every area of makeup artistry. Our One-on-One sessions allow you to customize your experience to fit your exact needs. The quality of our personal and corporate services is unparalleled and our clients are some of the biggest names in the business.

The Powder Group can meet your makeup artistry, business and product development and creative and personal growth needs wherever, however and whenever you need us. We look forward to seeing you.

Welcome to The Powder Group!

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  • Ahhhh, I feel you. I’m working on it, I’m working on it 🙂

    I appreciate you keeping me on my toes.


  • answercker says:

    Great recap! But times like this scream for video uploads.

    You need a ThisThatTechGuy.

  • Face Mode says:

    your a dream..thanks for inviting me….

    I had such a great time..

    LA Here we come! HA ..lol

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