I am referring to MAC’s Volcanic Ash Exfoliator.
This stuff is not pretty at all. In fact it’s down right ugly. I mean “steer clear of small children and your significant other while using it” ugly. This stuff is no joke. Luckily I was home alone when the mood struck to try this bad boy out.
Allow me to back up about 18 hours. This morn while washing my face, I noticed some quasi significant build up on my chin and the side of nose area. Oh come on ladies. I know that you know that I know that you know what I’m talkin bout (Willis). If you don’t know what I’m talking about then you’re among a lucky minority. For the rest of us – Don’t ya just hate the build up? Well back to this morn. So I was washing my face and could feel the build up. With no time to spare, as I had to get to my real job that pays me bi weekly in dollars (as opposed to personal satisfaction, like ThisThatBeauty), I vowed to handle my little “situation” upon my return home. So off to the corporate jungle I went. Come quitting time I hustled my tail home to handle my business. Actually I had a lovely glass of New Zealand Savignon Blanc first and read a few beauty blogs but I’m trying to add more drama to the story for you.
So when its time to wash my face for the eve, I remember I have unfinished business. So after washing I survey my lotions and potions arsenal to choose my poison. And that’s when I encountered the ugliness that is MAC Volcanic Ash Exfoliator.
This concoction is as black as volcanic ash (get it) and as gritty as sand. Kinda scary to think about putting on your face, no? Whoa buddy I’m nervous. This product has been in my arsenal for over a month but the look/texture kept me at bay. But I’ve got some serious buildup going on so decisions gotta be made. I decide to go for it…And I must tell you – my skin is very thankful I took the plunge.
MAC Volcanic Ash Exfoliator appears really abrasive but on wet skin and used with water, it actually does a great job of exfoliation. I probably wouldn’t reco using more that once or twice a week, as over exfoliation, IMHO, is the number one cause of skin irritation.
See my before pic and results pic below. But first please make sure there are no small children around. The before pic is pretty scary…