Ugh! I really hate feeling underwhelmed.
The makeup whore in me wants to love everything I touch. But the reality is that everything does not work for everybody. Which is cool because that helps me to believe in the fantasy that there’s no such thing as bad products, just bad products for a particular skin type, complexion, etc. Yea, that’s the ticket!
So having said that, here’s something that I anxiously awaited with baited breath, only to find myself underwhelmed when the actual product hit store shelves…

Remember about a month ago I wrote about the upcoming launch of three new Target cosmetic lines.
For weeks after my initial post I combed the aisles of my local Tar-jay expecting to see something amazing. Then last weekend as me and Mr ThisThatBeauty were shopping for ThisThatHousehold (LOL, I think I’m so funny:-)), I stumbled upon brand spanking new display cases for the newest additions to the Target cosmetics family. I shoo-ed Mr ThisThatBeauty to go look at DVDs as I swatched and tested colors on my hand.
And here’s where things go south…
While the eye, lip, and blush colors were a lot of fun, I am slightly disappointed to report that none of the foundation or concealer colors work for my complexion. Not a one of the three brands offer a foundation that matches my brown-ness. What a bummer! This is truly anti climatic after weeks of anticipation.
As for everything else the collections has to offer — The new product is definitely a treat for the eyes. Vibrant colors. Brilliant packaging. Definitely something fun, new, and unexpected for Tar-jay.
But is this line for me?…
Probably not. We’ve already discussed that the foundation is a no go for my complexion. And even though many of the the eye, lip, and blush colors would work for me, the new Target lines are not so different from the the stuff that’s already out there in department stores. And to further dissuade me, this stuff is pricey for Target.
JK Jemma Kidd products range from $14 – $36 (for example glosses are $16, eye shadow is $18, blush is $21, lipstick is $16)
Napoleon Perdis products range from $12 -$30 (for example mascara and lipsticks are $15, foundation is $30)
Pixi products range from $15 – $39
The price range is comparable to what you’d see at MAC, Clinique, or Sephora. I’m sorry, I just don’t play those games at Target. For me, Target is all about the unexpected, yet fabulous bargain. Its about going in there for Scrubbing Bubbles and coming out with a great lil Isaac Mizrahi brightly colored floral cardigan off the sales rack for $8.99. I’m sorry, but this is what Target is all about for me. If I want to drop $15-$40 on cosmetics, I will likely patronize an establishment where I can get personalized guidance and product knowledge. So I am going to have to respectfully decline on the launch of these three new product lines for the following reasons:
1. Their foundation color range does not work for my complexion or complexions a couple of shades lighter…and it definitely will not work for folks darker than yours truly.
2. The price point is comparable to that of department store brands. I’m just not ready to pay that kind of money for a rookie Target brand.
3. While the colors are pretty, they’re not very unique.
The products are all very lovely looking. The packaging is fun and vibrant…and certainly a welcome addition on the shelves of Target. There hasn’t been this much excitement since the launch of Sonia Kashuk many years ago. So kudos to Target for keeping it fresh and sexy. I cant knock their hustle! They were definitely in need of a good revamp, so there!
My last two cents – If you’re in a small town somewhere in middle America and don’t have access to some of the better department stores, then this line might suit your needs…granted the color spectrum is “your complexion friendly”. So if this is the best you’ve got in your small town, go for it. I think you’ll enjoy.
But for those of us in or near major cities and have access to better department stores, Sephora, ULTA and the like – honestly, I don’t think you’ll be missing much if you skip this one. For what you’ll pay at Target with no counter help or guidance, you might as well high tail it to your closest makeup counter where you’ll get specialized individual attention.
BUT having said ALLLLL of that – I am not above copping a few items should they go one sale. A deep discount would make it worth it for me!
If anyone out there has tried and like the new lines at Target, drop me a comment or email me at You know I love hearing from yall 