Over the last three to four years, I have come across a number of natural and organic brands and products, some good, some great and others just failed across the board. Last Tuesday, October 2nd, I attended a Whole Foods luncheon where I was introduced to a number of natural and/or organic beauty, health and wellness brands. After leaving the event I thought it might be a good idea to introduce a “Green” section on the blog called TTB (ThisThatBeauty) Green Beauty.
In this section we will review products that are National Science Foundation (NSF) and Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA) certified organic. With a USDA Organic certification, at least 95% of the ingredients in the products has to be certified organic, while, with the NSF, 70% of product ingredients have to be certified organic.
I know there are independent brands out there that make cosmetics and skin care products using certified organic ingredients…these brands don’t carry a USDA or NSF seal but their ingredient labels include certified organic items, these products will also be included.
How A Product Makes It To TTB Green Beauty:
It must contain at least 70% certified organic ingredients. Keep in mind, “Natural” doesn’t mean organic. So, a product labeled as 100% natural would still have to contain at least 70% certified organic ingredients to be reviewed in this section.
Only Kermit gets cool points for being green, so, as with all reviews on ThisThatBeauty we will focus on efficacy above all else. A product won’t get a “good’ review simply for being “green.”