Has this ever happened to you?

Allow me to set the scene…

  • You’re rushing to get dressed and out the door to (insert desired destination)
  • Suddenly, you’re in the midst of a major fashion crisis and can’t decide what to wear!
  • That originally planned long sleeve top you thought would match makes you look fat and is no longer an option…so now you’re eye balling a cap sleeved boyfriend tee instead.
  • But wait, IGAD! Your pits are less than tee-shirt ready!…and you’ve already showered, lotion-ed, and underwear-ed your body. Its too late to jump back in the shower and shave your stubbly pits. OH NO! What’s a girl to do????

ThisThatBeauty says, TRY THIS: (aforementioned scenario is not made up, but actually based on the real life events of Felicia Walker Benson aka Mrs ThisThatBeauty)

Gillette Venus Embrace is an amazingly effective razor with 5 blades that shave ridiculously close. The little moisture bar on the razor’s edge coat and soothe as the 5 blades go to work. In just a few quick strokes, you’re prepared to bare arms.

Gillette Venus Embrace is ThisThatBeauty approved and is most definitely my current go-to razor!

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  • Face Mode says:

    Love it!..

    I just did a review of it myself… its the best..others said they are gonna try

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