Happy Mother’s Day

What’s that you say? It’s not quite Mother’s Day?

Well that’s okay because today’s entry is inspired by my sister-in-law, Carole.
I’m still not making sense???

Well Carole’s a mother.
Still not connecting the dots???

Ok, then I better stop talking in silly circles.

Today’s post is dedicated to Carole and all hardworking stay at home moms!

Carole really enjoyed my last post on the W&W vs YSL comparison. For $3.99 she’s thinking “What the heck, throw all caution to the wind and SPLURGE”. She might actually go out and buy the W&W palette instead of (like so many unselfish moms) spend her last 4 bucks on a grocery store checkout line impulse purchase intended to soothe the ear splitting scream of a crying baby. That’s right Carole (and all moms on a budget) – – this one’s for you.

Hey ladies, need to keep those brows groomed but the old eyeliner pencil just aint cutting it anymore (BTW, very passe and really just does not look natural at all). One of my fav brands, MAC, makes a great brow grooming kit that comes in a variety of shades. The cost is roughly $15. The brow kit comes in a handy dandy little compact and even has a neutral shade that can be used as a highlighter. But since today’s post is dedicated to hard working stay at home moms — lets say gas is $4.00 a gallon (not so far fetched), junior needs new shoes, the phone bill is due, and you’re trying to make a dollar out of 15cents. Fret not, try taming those unruly brows for just $2.99 with NYC’s Browser Brow Powder, Mini Brow Brush, Grooming Wax AND Mini Tweezers. All of that for only $2.99. Can you believe it? Well believe it, and now go out and get it!



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