Mani of the Week: Halloween Manicure Tutorial

Ok, ladies– you’ve got a few weeks left to get those nails Halloween ready. Good news is that I have a few tricks up my sleeve (pun intended)  to share with you…and it involves some bloody mangled Dracula teeth. Let’s be honest, Halloween is the best, in fact, make that the  only  excuse to wear a blood-inspired manicure. Get ready for my  Halloween Manicure Tutorial!

Halloween Manicure


Dripping Blood Tutorial:

halloween manicure blood tutorial

  1.  After applying your base coat, paint 2 coats of your white polish. Wait a few minutes for it to dry.
  2. Using your dotting tool, dot 3 red dots on your nail. Draw two across from each other and one a little farther down the nail, almost creating three points of a triangle–however it doesn’t have to be exact.
  3. Immediately after, take either your dotting tool or the brush from the red polish and drag the polish up from the dot to the tip of the nail.
  4. Use the side of your red polish brush, gently fill in the top of the nail so all “blood lines” connect. If you want, you can add little random specks of red down by the cuticle to give the illusion the big blood drips are dripping little drips. Wait at least 15 minutes before applying your top coat so the blood doesn’t…wait for it…bleed.

Dracula Teeth Tutorial:

halloween mancure teeth tutorial

  1. After applying your base coat, paint 2 coats of your black polish. Let dry for a few minutes.
  2. Using the side of your red nail polish brush, dab lacquer over the edges of the top and bottom of the nail. The messier the better to really give it a bloody effect– but make sure you leave enough space to draw in the teeth. Let dry for a few minutes.
  3. Using your white nail polish striper or toothpick dipped in white polish, draw 3-4 long fangs on the top and bottom, (number depends on how big your nail is), starting from the blood, curving your way up. Then fill in with little teeth.
  4. Add a little red on a few teeth to emphasize the blood even more. Wait 15 minutes, and seal with your top coat!

VOILA! You’ve got yourself the perfect Halloween manicure!

solo shot

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