Guest Beauty Blogger: Greysen Glenn

Many many products to review. One Felicia to do all of the writing. While my heart wants to review every single product I spy, my partially  manicured hands simply cannot type that fast. Having said that, I have taken the initiative to bring on a contributing writer. This was a really hard decision. ThisThatBeauty is my first born so its hard to relinquish control. But I think I’ve found an awesome guest writer that I am sure you will love.

I have decided to go with someone whom I feel offers a young/fresh approach to makeup. While she’s pretty much a beauty blogging newbie, let’s just say that her love for all things beauty is in the “genes”.

Without further ado, I give you ThisThatBeauty’s Guest Blogger –
My niece, Greysen Glenn 🙂

Before Greysen Glenn’s entry  into the beauty world, she dedicated most of her time to recreational activities like:


and eating her toes

During a recent visit with Auntie F (that’s me) I discovered Greysen Glenn’s panache for makeup. So I quickly recruited this young bella to write for TTB. Please check out Greysen Glenn’s review of:

Given Greysen Glenn’s limited vocabulary, lets go with The Body Shop’s product description:

Give your lips a natural sheen while conditioning them with an everyday gloss that can be worn alone or over Lip Color. Moisturizing Community Trade marula oil from Namibia leaves lips soft and supple.  Passion fruit fragrance adds a refreshingly juicy scent.

Again, given Greysen’s limited vocabulary, I am walking her through her first product review:

Auntie F: Greysen Glenn, show my ThisThatBeauty readers how the product looks up close.

Auntie F: OK, now put a little on and show my readers how the color looks against your complexion

Auntie F: OK, now turn the product towards the camera. Let Auntie help you.

Auntie F: OK, now show my readers the best application method for this product. Should they use a lip brush?…
Greysen Glenn: No. Fingers:)

Auntie F: OK, lets get one more shot of you and the product.
Greysen Glenn: OK…like this?

Auntie F: Perfect!  How about one more picture?
Greysen Glenn: No! No more paparazzi!

Auntie F: Jeez, OK kiddo. Thank you for your review of The Body Shop Lip Gloss Dot🙂

So what did you guys think of my Guest Beauty Blogger? I think she has a bright beauty future ahead of her.

Thank you Greysen! You’re welcome to write for Auntie F anytime…so long as I can keep paying you in ice cream:)

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