Gotta Go, Gotta Go

Hey Ladies – I love a good primp fest about as much as the next Makeup Maven. But sometimes you have those days where ya just gotta go, gotta go. There’s no time for face primer, foundation, eye primer, eye shadow (blending, contouring, etc), eye liner, blush (pop of color on cheeks, contouring, highlighting)…the list goes on and on.

So when you’re having one of those days where you just need to get out the door, try this:
Light Patrol Luminizer Palette by Napoleon Perdis.

This little one stop shop illuminizer comes in five fabulous shades — all in a handy dandy little circular compact. The five shades are: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Pink Ice, and Rose.
In a pinch I use the colors as follows (with my fingers):

Bronze: Over lower lid and into the crease
Gold: In a backwards c formation from outer brow area to upper cheek
Pink Ice: Brow highlighter
Silver: Inner corners of eye and under the eye area
Rose: Pop of color on cheeks.

The colors are all totally bendable. I sometimes mix Rose and Bronze for a more warmed up cheek color. You can customize your sheen cream by mixing two or three shades together to suit your skin. The shades all contain candellia wax, aloe vera, Vitamins A and E and SPF 8.

So if you’re in need of a quick “Gotta Go, Gotta Go” makeup routine, try this!


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