Got Horrible Cystic Acne? Try This!

OK ladies (and my few random gents:)) it’s confession time.

I have adult acne. There! I’ve said it.

For the most part, my dermatologist approved routine has my nasty breakouts under control. But lately, maybe its stress or maybe its hormonal….who the heck knows??? But lately, I’ve been getting the most disgustingly painful deep under the skin cysts that drive me CRAZY!!!
These dastardly intruders come one by one and as soon as one fades, another appears. I haven’t been cystic acne free for months. These bad boys just keep cropping up. Personally I think its stress. My days and nights are filled with the stressful burden of contemplating life’s great obstacles like…

“What will I wear to Fashion Week”
“Which shows will I see”
“Will the DVF and Barbie show invitations EVER arrive”????

See! My days and nights are heavy with stress! Which keeps these darn glaciers steady popping up on my face.
But “painful acne cysts”, you have met your match. Please allow me to rain on acne’s parade and introduce you to:

This little bottle of acne cyst assassin has been a God send. I just started using it the day before yesterday on a terrible lower chin cyst and in a matter of 24 hours it began shrinking the intruder. My chin area started out red, swollen and tender to the touch. And now, after a little more than 24 hours of use, the cyst has reduced considerably and is drying up. This is a major improvement over my usual cyst healing time. It normally takes several weeks for a cyst to calm down and start to vanish. But with Renee Rouleau’s Anti Cyst Treatment, cysts begin to vanish and heal very quickly. I was hooked after just 24 hours. I’ve never had a cyst begin healing that quickly. I cant wait to see the Anti Cyst treatment in action at the onset of a fresh cyst in its infancy…which, given my current stress level, will likely be in a couple of days 🙁

In the meantime, yall give Renee Rouleau’s Anti Cyst Treatment a try.
Stay beautiful 🙂
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  • Nafeesah – Ahhh, cortisone shots! YES! I’ve had those too. And I still do if I’m able to get to the derm. But sometimes you just cant get into the office so its nice to have options 🙂

    And this stuff works!


  • ok, i used to get those horrible, not to mention embarrassing cysts on a fairly regular basis. my dermatologist would inject some highly potent concoction into the cyst and it would disappear with one or two days. It’s nice to know that there’s an alternative to the injection, should those cysts ever decide to return. THANKS!

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