Hey everyone – My goal is to always provide with you content that is thorough, timely, relevant, amusing, and helpful. “Fridays with Felicia”, as you know, is like a little slice of myself that I share with you all every Friday. Check out today’s “Fridays with Felicia” post as I share my thoughts on “5-minute makeup” and do a quick demo. Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. Do you like these kinds of videos? Am I talking too much, too little? Holler at your girl..I really truly want to hear your thoughts!
Hey Felicia!
You did a great job! Thank you for giving the name of each product you used. I look forward to the next demo!
@Redseouls. Thank you, darling! I wish I had listed and linked to the products…next time! xo
LOVE this video…thank you Felicia! This was very helpful to me
I consider myself an admirer of makeup but one that is always scared to try and do more with it b/c I feel I’ll do a bad job :/
I will take your advice and try this very same routine…products and all!
Thank you for sharing!!!
@Carolina – Thank you so much for the feedback. I am so happy the video is helpful. Good luck with your makeup. Keep me posted
From wham! to bam! to THANK YOU MA’AM! Awesome 5 minute tutorial! Simple and quick and easy.
@IC Faces – Thank you! That means a lot coming from you. I really want people to see that a few minor touches can polish up your look very quickly…and you dont need a “lot” of makeup or fancy technique……just the right high impact products!
@IC Faces. Thank you!!!!