Flaws and All

Hola friends –

And I call you friends because I like to think of us as kind of friendly-like, ya know. I like to think of you as my extended group of girlfriends and perhaps, over time, I become like a friend in your head. So having said that — Girls, I likes to keep it really real. I’m assuming you’re faithful (all of 4 days, ha!) readers of my blog because you want the really real. I’m always going to give it to you straight. It’s more funner (made up word I know) that way. Well here’s a newsflash for you – I’m not perfect! No, seriously, I have flaws. Like most of you I get the occasional pimple (actually its adult acne that’s finally under control – but that’s the front end of another post). And like most of you I just refuse to let the little sucker heal on its own, thus leaving behind a dark little reminder…also known as a blemish. You get them, I get them, we all get them. But what to do what to do while these lil suckers s-l-o-w-l-y fade away???


Currently on my left cheek resides the leftover handy work of a nasty little pimple I got about 3 weeks ago. Its very slowly fading. But in the meantime and in between time, I cant be introducing this little intruder to my freinds, family, co-workers, etc. Noooo buddy, I gots to hide this unwanted guest. So I use this:

Studio Touch Up Stick by MAC. Its shaped like a fat eyeliner and is perfect for little spot touch-ups. I’ve had my stick for almost two years and it’s still doing its job. And because its just a simple little pencil, its very easy to take with you and touch up on the go. I usually whip mine out while I’m riding shotgun as dear hubby drives me to the train station. That’s how little effort/precision is required to use this stick. Super simple! And the results…well, see for yourself:

Now you see it:

Now you kinda don’t:

And here’s my faithful little two year old touch-up stick:

Got you “covered”,


PS: I promise my picture qaulity will improve over time

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  • Glad you like Amy! I’m sorry for the slow response but I never received an alert that you left a comment…which is what normally happens when a comment is left. Not sure why this isn’t happening with you 5/30 comments. Strange! I even checked my settings and its set properly. Odd.

  • YES, I use the same MAC cover up crayon and nothing can compare. My shade matches my skin, the packaging is small and on-the-go-friendly, and the texture is a perfect medium softness. LOVE IT!

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