Flashback Friday

It’s so cliche but when it comes to hair color, cold weather inspires rich dark locks while warm weather makes us want to reach for the peroxide! We’ve all got that girlfriend, who every Spring like clockwork goes IN with a bottle of hair color…honey blonde, golden amber, soft auburn. Ahhh! And I cant front, I am a huge fan of light, breezy and sun-kissed summer hair! While recently perusing iPhoto I came across a few pictures that inspired me to write today’s Flashback Friday. Perhaps these flicks will inspire you to consider a lighter hair color for Spring/ Summer. From time to time, I still miss my blonde-ish tresses. We had some good times…

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  • You are so on point, and on time! I did this very thing 3 weeks ago. My hair black, and I got the most perfect chocolaty-brownish-gold highlights to compliment my chocolate skin, love it! However, I have been deep conditioning and moisturizing like nobody’s business to make sure my hair doesn’t dry out because of it. This looked gorgeous on you Felicia!
    p.s. totally out of place question, but your girl is so struggling with the undereye bags, and would LOVE to get you beauty expertise as to what might work. I’ve spent so much $ (from high end to low end). Help! : )

    • @Melanie. Hey mama. Thank you! I miss my blonde hair, but my dark locks are perfect for my current cut….I feel so mod with my big bang and longish tresses!

      As for baggy eyes….boo to that! Try lots of rest and water. Also eye creams that claim to de-puff. Research de-puffing ingredients. Kiehl’s has a stick I love. Blue packaging. Also try Diane Brill stick.

      In the meantime, great concealer help

      Good luck!

  • I love this color. You’re gonna make me go to the salon soon:)

    • @Nyasha. Don’t blame me. Blame it on the warm weather:) Go for it! Just know it’s a committment

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