Felicia on IFB “Splurge vs. Save: Spending Advice From Blogging Experts”

Blogging is a full time job for many. However, not all bloggers started their blogs as a career.  It is relatively easy to get a blog started and sometimes all you have to give up is time. But once readership and followers increase, what should you pay for and when exactly is the right time to start paying for more than the basics?  Recently, Independent Fashion Bloggers covered this topic in the article, “Splurge vs. Save: Spending Advice From Blogging Experts.” Felicia was asked to share her thoughts, her response is below:


“I currently use WordPress and like the functionality, and in terms of investing dollars into “blogging-related equipment,” I have invested very little to-date and utilize low, to no-cost services. I feel my resources are better spent on actual administrative and editorial support. For example, I have an Associate Editor who helps to manage TTB writers, wrangle assignments, field emails and inquiries, and helps oversee my editorial calendar. She’s worth every penny!”

Click here to read the complete article.


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