Facebook Live: Celebrate Earth Day 2017 with Botanics

I’m not alone in thinking that we should celebrate and take care of the earth every single day  of the year.  After all, without Mother Earth, where would we be?  Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd. It began in  1970 “as a day of education about environmental issues.” This is ThisThatBeauty, so  naturally we have to put the beauty spin on Earth Day.  This year we have partnered with Botanics to highlight their Organic line of skin care products and specifically, their hero product from the line —  100% Organic Nourishing Facial Oil.

ThisThatBeauty Botanics Earth Day 2017-1

Join us on Facebook on April 22nd at 12 noon EST as we rave about the products we love and share  all the different ways we use the Botanics  100% Organic Nourishing Facial Oil. By the end of the Live Chat  you’ll be saying #oilcandothat?  As usual we’ll have giveaways during our Facebook Live —   one of our giveaways happens below and you can enter right now!

ThisThatBeauty Botanics Earth Day 2017
GIVEAWAY: Complete Line of Botanics Organics Products

Don’t forget to join us on the ThisThatBeauty Facebook Page on Earth Day, April 22, at noon EST for lots of info about  the Botanics line of products and even more giveaways! See you there. 🌎

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  • Rajee Pandi says:

    No I wish to try it for my dry skin

  • Nicole Colletti says:

    I have never tried a facial oil but would LOVE to ! Would love to try these products!

  • Amy Conyers says:

    I haven’t yet! But I would love to!

  • Stephanie Grant says:

    I have not ever used a facial oil but they do sound interesting.

  • I have not used facial oil.

  • Deb Klein says:

    Never used one~Bit this sounds amazing!

  • Nancy Schools says:

    Never used a facial oil because I thought it would make me break out.

  • Amy Deeter says:

    No i have never used it before but i would love to

  • Janet Soto says:

    I have not used facial oils yet but I’m interested! Seems everyone is using them nowadays.

  • I have not tried it yet but hope to soon

  • Donna Kozar says:

    I tried one containing Vitamin C.

  • Kelly Wach says:

    I have never used a facial oil but would love to try one

  • I have not, but I would love to.

  • Paula Gillespie says:

    I have not tried a facial oil before. Thank you for the chance

  • Deborah Farris says:

    I have never used a facial oil, but i think i need to. I get these small dry patches on likr three places on my face.

  • Gina Rock says:

    I haven’t tried facial oil yet, but I want to!

  • Kimmy Ripley says:

    I have never used a facial oil but now is a good time to start now that I am 36!

  • Kelly Woods says:

    I have never tried it but would love to try these.

  • Anita Jude says:

    I have never try but would love to win this and try it

  • Shannon Orton says:

    I have never tried facial oil- looking forward to trying it.

  • Elizabeth Brooks says:

    I like vitamin c oil, and serums

  • Cassandra Berholtz says:

    I haven’t yet. Just need to find the right products to use. I am new to all this.

  • No, I have never tried facial oil before.

  • Kayla Klontz says:

    I have never used facial oil, but I’d like to try it.

  • Michelle Coles says:

    I haven’t tried a facial oil yet but would like to!

  • evonne Brooks says:

    I have never tried any sort of facial oil before.

  • jennifer clause packwood says:

    i haven’t yet……..


    I have never tried face oil but I am interested to give it a try.

  • Dana Moore says:

    I have used facial oil but it’s been so long ago I don’t remember what kind

  • dealindiva says:

    I have only used coconut oil on my face.

  • I’ve only tried the SK-II Facial Treatment Essence and it did wonders for my skin

  • I haven’t but I definitely would love to give this a try

  • Mariel Acevedo says:

    Currently I use squaline oil (plant based) and marula oil. I switch it up between the two during the day and night. I’m obsessed with facial oils, I tend to use more oil during the night time and less during the morning. As always, it was great watching your FB Live.

  • Janelle Adams says:

    Right now I’m using the Sunday Riley oils. Really like them

  • I’ve never tried a facial oil before because I thought it would clog pores but I really want to try this.

  • i haven’t but i really want to!

  • Danyell F. says:

    I love Nuxe! I use it in my face and even my breast cancer surgery scars.

  • Abryda Rodrigues says:

    I’m using Jouer & Tarte oils right now so I can’t wait to dip into Botanics line of skincare. Thanks for all the great tips & suggestions I always love listening to both of you.

    • Thanks, Aryda! You’ll love this Botanics oil. I think it absorbs better that Jouer and Tarte, it’s at a better price point AND it’s 100% organic. Winning on all fronts. xx

  • Kizzy Maynard says:

    For some reason my comments are not showing up. However, the live video was wonderful. I have heard of greener skincare products but never this brand. As I am trying to up my skincare game, I am super excited to try Botanics. Even especially to have win the face oil. I am hoping to implement various products in my routine.

    • Keep us posted on how you like the line. We know you will LOVE!

  • I have tried the Josie Maran argan oil and I really love it, but it can be expensive, but a little goes a long way!

  • Yes, I’ve tried several face oils like argan and Nude’s oil. I’m currently using maracuja oil.
    I’ve tried a few Botanics products but not the oil.

  • Kizzy Maynard says:

    This was such an amazing live video vlog. I learned so much from ThisThatBeauty & Christene Carr. Many Thanks, Ladies. Oh did I forget to mention that I am happy to have won the face oil and hopefully the set lol?

  • Kizzy Maynard says:

    You ladies are putting on a great live show on greener skincare. My hope is to implement more into my skincare routine. I am so glued in.

  • I can’t wait to watch you live and learning about this product.

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