Dove “Show Us Your Skin” Campaign

I honestly remember the first time I used a dove beauty bar.  I was in the homeland (Jamaica) and a my dad had come home with a large amount goodies.  My dad does nothing in a small way, so, we literally had Dove Beauty Bars for about a year. When I first used Dove Beauty Bars, I didn’t like it because it didn’t give me that tight feeling on my skin that I had come to associate with being clean (don’t judge me, I was only 11, maybe 12.) However, I noticed that I didn’t have to use as much lotion afterwards and soon realized that the dry, tight feeling my skin got after a shower was not the best way to clean. I think my mom also realized the same thing because she soon started using the beauty bar exclusively on her face.

Fast-forward  20 years and Dove Beauty Bars and more recently, moisturizing body washes, are among my favorite body cleansing products. Dove products leave my skin feeling clean and soft and I now know that retaining moisture in my skin is the first step to making it beautiful.

“Dove is committed to helping women realize their personal beauty potential by engaging them with products that deliver superior care. Dove Body Wash and Beauty Bar give women beautifully soft and smooth skin that they will want to show off.” In celebration, Dove recently launched the “Show Us Your Skin” campaign. The campaign features real women. Any woman with the confidence to show off their skin and take and upload a picture to  or  will appear in a Dove ad – including online ads and a dynamic billboard in the world-renowned Times Square.

Here are the Official Photo Guidelines  

Photos will be accepted at or from 12:01 p.m. on April 11, 2012 to 11:59 p.m. on August 1, 2012. Women are encouraged to wear a towel, tank top, pair of shorts, or a dress in their photo – anything that tastefully shows off their skin. Photos must meet the requirements outlined in the program rules, and women must be 18 or older to participate. Please note, photos taken at the Real Beauty Photo Studio will be approved on-site and uploaded in real-time while photos submitted outside of the event will be viewable within 3-5 days of submission due to the moderation process. Visit for more information and to view the complete terms and conditions. No purchase necessary.

I’m celebrating my beautiful skin!

Here is my  photo in the Dove “Show Us Your Skin” Campaign

Here is how I appeared in Time Square.

Don’t want to show the world your skin? You can still participate! Celebrate your #BeautifulSkin!  Join the Dove “Show Us Your Skin” Campaign!

Here’s how:

1. View the digital mosaic of all photo entries at

2.  Searching for photos of friends and family at

3. Tweet @Dove telling the brand when your skin feels its most beautiful. Use hashtag #BeautifulSkin


This post was written by  @christenecarr

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