Dove Hair How-To: The Modern Slickback, Part 1

ThisThayBeauty and Dove

If you follow my beauty shenanigans on Instagram you know that I love showing off my hair. Hey, I think I’ve got pretty good hair. However, the definition of “good” may vary from person-to-person. What I define as “good” hair is hair that is healthy and versatile.


Whenever I post pics of my hair to Instagram, I’m always asked to do a how-to video. And I always want to (I really really do!!) but, sigh…I’ve got Phoebe and a zillion other things to tend to.

So I thought it was quite serendipitous when I had the opportunity to do a how-to video for Dove ® Hair. “Genius”…I thought to myself. This was the perfect opportunity to grant my followers’ wishes and show off a fun, easy style.

 ThisThayBeauty and Dove

And to be 100% frank, I love their body wash but I’ve never tried much of Dove ® Hair products. But because I pride myself on real life reviews and I’ll pretty much try anything beauty-related once — Game On, Dove ®!

ThisThayBeauty and Dove

So I’ve partnered with Dove ® Hair to show women everywhere how to easily create The Modern, Sleek Up-do at home. As a super busy new mom (I am drafting this post with Phoebe strapped to me napping in her Baby Bjorn. No, seriously!) I am all about beauty tips that help me go from at-home mom to chic Beauty Editor in an instant…I’ve got daily press meetings, launch events, etc — I cannot show up looking a hot, steamy mess…that’s so not me. So I tasked Dove ® Celebrity Stylist Mark Townsend with teaching me to recreate one of his favorite styles,  The Modern Sleek Up-do, in a few simple steps.

During my styling session, Mark chatted with me about the wide range of Dove ® Hair shampoos, conditioners, treatments and styling products that nourish hair without weighing it down leaving it beautifully soft and smooth for long-lasting style.

ThisThayBeauty and Dove
Hugs & Kisses with Mark

Well, did I wet your whistle? If so, stay tuned form more. My big reveal video will be posted in a few short days.
SPOILER ALERT: You’re going to love it !!

In the meantime, visit Dove’s Hair page on

Get social with  Dove ® and  Dove ® Celebrity Stylist Mark Townsend:

Dove Facebook page

Dove Twitter page

Mark’s Instagram page

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Dove ® and Style Coalition.


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