Delayed SEX AND THE CITY Movie Review

Hey ThisThatBeauty readers!

I’m so sorry for my delayed review of SATC. As I’ve said before, oh how I wish ThisThatBeauty paid the bills. If only I could spend my days with you and only you. But alas, gas is $4.25/ gallon and American Express aint gone pay itself… so I gotta do what I gotta do.

So I am posting my very delayed review not just because I want to review the movie, but also because I want to put some thoughts out there with respect to the movie, overall theme, and the roles.

On with the review – –

On a scale of 1-5 stars, I give SATC 3.5

This is a must see “girlfriends movie”. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the SATC gang together again. How sweet was that? And might I say the years have been relatively good to the ol gals.

I was really anxious to see what direction life had taken them since the season finale. It was great to see that despite their paths with respect to career and family, their bond as girlfriends was as tight as ever. And for me, in a nutshell, that’s what this movie is about – SISTERHOOD.

So from that perspective, I loved the movie. These women would do anything to insure the well being, safety, and happiness of one another. Damn that was great to see! I love girl power and the way these women pulled together for one another was inspiring. One of my favorite scenes (spoiler alert) was when they had to get Carrie the heck outta that church. The angles and cinematography gave me chills. The way they just had her back and got her out of the situation spoke volumes. When I get the DVD I’m gonna play that scene over and over. Another great scene was on Carrie’s honeymoon…I love how each sister-friend took their turn checking in on Carrie and comforting her in their own way. The representation of sisterhood in this film was real. And that’s the thing that resonated most for me. Sure the ladies look great and the fashions are out of this world. But for me, at its core SATC isn’t about Manolo’s, its about mi amigas! And I’m glad I got mine. Be thankful for your sisters!

Now lets move on to the Oscar winner that is Ms Jennifer Hudson.
Where to begin?

For starters, I was very pleased to see that SATC (the movie) managed to locate a few folks of color in the city that’s considered the melting pot of the world. I mean how hard was that for them to finally pull off? That was my major gripe with SATC (the series) – Where were all the brown people hiding? I mean, cmon! Ohhhh that boiled my blood.

So fast forward several years later and apparently NYC managed to import some people of color. This is where we find the Oscar winner that is Ms Jennifer Hudson. Unlike many of my friends (and the NJ Star Ledger who flat out called J-Hud, and I quote “Hattie McDaniel”), I do not have a major issue with Ms Hudson playing the role of an assistant. Perfectly honest work. My issue more so is around how Ms Hudson was represented on the big screen. Is it me or was Ms Hudson not as meticulously groomed as the others. Now I didn’t expect to see her prancing around in $1000 dresses, but I did expect to see decent makeup, a passable weave, manicured hands, and such. Why was Ms Hudson’s role treated so poorly with respect to hair, makeup, wardrobe etc. I found her painful to watch. I mean even down to her under garments…I felt they (is that you Ms Patricia Fields) did a horrible job of wardrobing and making up Ms Hudson. And I cant help but ask, why? If you click HERE, there’s an article on in which Jennifer Hudson, Sarah Jessica Parker and Sex and the City writer/director Michael Patrick King share the importance of including a Black woman in the film.

If they are so committed, why did Jennifer look so bad.I know she’s an assistant…but an assistant in one of the most fashionable cities in the world for one of the hottest chicks in the game. Why was she a HOT STEAMY MESS at every angle? This greatly disturbed me. It seems the powers that be over at SATC put very little thought/ effort into JHud’s appearance and it showed…especially in contrast to everyone else in the movie. Heck, the men received better treatment.

I’m done. But that just had to be said. If you share my thoughts, please comment. I can’t be the only one. I saw the movie with my SATC home girl crew and we all felt the same. if you disagree, I want to hear that too.

Lovely day,


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1 Comment

  • Anonymous says:

    I thought I was the only one that noticed in all of NYC, SATC could not find one woman of color. However, I continued to be faithful to the show because of the sisterhood that the women shared. As for the movie I decided to wait until it comes on HBO on demand. I’m happy SATC finally found their brown girl, but It’s a little to late for me. And besides, JH said on an entertainment interview that she never even saw SATC until she got hired for the movie. I guess she felt the same way too, until SATC cut that check! I love you for always giving it to us straight! Mesha 🙂

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