Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup

Can you realistically expect your foundation to clear up your acne? I’ve never been one to promote skin care through cosmetics. For example, I like my sunscreen solo….not in my foundation. If my tinted moisturizer happens to offer an SP15, well that’s just gravy baby. But my “core” SPF protection is a stand alone product. And based on my recent gold star for great skin from Derm TV’s Dr. Neal Schultz, you can trust that I know what the heck I’m talking about.

But I digress. How much can a cosmetic product contribute to the management of your acne? Well the good folks in white lab coats at Clinique are banking on the success of a product set to launch in April. Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup claims to actively conceal and treat blemished complexions as well as prevent future breakouts. The innovative product incorporates a proprietary blend of balancing ingredients that work to minimize sebum and maintain skin’s moisture balance.

When it comes to over the counter ance fighting products, brands generally call upon the pimple popping powers of either salicylic acid or good ol’ benzoyl peroxide (STRIDEX and Degrassi Jr. High memories be gone!). Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup includes four key ingredients:

1) salicylic acid – an exfoliant

2) laminaria sacharrine extract – sea algae that helps to regulate sebum production and balance moisture levels

3) hydroxydecanoic acid – helps to control the spread of blemishes

4) caffeine – to soothe, calm and reduce redness

With eight shades ranging from fair to deep, the formula promises to not only conceal blemishes, but also neutralize visible skin redness and reduce the appearance of large pores.

The fragrance free and oil-free blemish clearing liquid makeup makes rather lofty claims. If it lives up to the hype, it could truly be a God send for acne sufferers everywhere.

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