So if you’re following me on Twitter (and I know you are:-)) you know I went to Sephora today. I’ll tease you just a bit and let you know that my trip to Sephora has something to do with an awesome announcement I’ll be making soon…stay tuned!
Anyhoo, so I was in Sephora today and had a celebrity sighting —
Remember America’s Next Top Model Cycle 6 Winner —
Danielle Evans
She was extremely lovely and gracious. Gotta love a southern girl!
Danielle was even kind enough to allow me to take a cheesy “turn the iPhone around and pose while taking your own picture” picture. She was really sweet and a great sport.
Behold below, my picture with the beautiful Danielle. I gave her my card so here’s to hoping we have a new ThisThatBeauty fan in the works!
Hey Danielle, I see you reading ThisThatBeauty.
Drop us a comment so that we know you approve 
Have a super weekend everyone…if you’re in Jersey like me, try to stay dry!
I love you for reading,