ThisThatBeauty 2014 Beauty Resolutions with Maree

As a beauty blogger,   it is natural for me to constantly be testing products, trying new trends, looking to the next season for inspiration – but often these are short term focuses.   Taking a look at my beauty behavior as a whole and making resolutions for the year help me to look at the big picture and see how it can be improved. Here are my beauty resolutions for 2014:

 Maree Sye 2014 Beauty Resolutions

Focus on Skincare Ingredients

I will always be drawn to makeup for its color and wearability rather than ingredients but skincare is 1000% dependent on ingredients – and while I have stepped up my game this year in taking care of my skin, I would like to take it to an even deeper level.   I plan to take a more active approach to understanding the science behind the skincare products, how the ingredients work and which ingredients work best together.   I found that at the beginning of my skincare journey, I was simply trying whatever I wanted to, without understanding how, if and why it would work or not work for my skin. Having a more thorough understanding of it all will help me choose the best products for my skin, thus yielding the most optimal result –flawless skin.   And frankly, isn’t that what it is all about?

Get More Cardio

I do not like shine on my face, but when induced by a strong workout, and increased heart rate – I do not mind.   I rarely ever speak about exercising or workouts on the blog (or any of my social media channels) but I do keep up a regular routine.   Now mind you, I had major back surgery 3 years ago, so my activities changed significantly after that and I had to take a different approach to staying fit.   I had to do more low impact exercises that targeted specific areas to help me regain my strength.   It has been a long road, but I am finally beginning to feel strong enough to engage in more strenuous (at least for me) workouts.   I typically do my targeted exercises 4 to 5 nights per week at home focusing on a different body part each time, but will work towards adding in one 30 minute cardio workout a week to begin.   Walking on the treadmill at the gym or swimming some laps is the best for me as it is low impact but can still get my heart rate going.   Maintaining a beauty routine should encompass every part of the body, not just the face and staying fit is the best way to keep up one’s “beauty”.

Exploring New “Superfoods”  

If you follow me on Instagram, you may ask yourself just how healthy is this gal when she is always posting pics of desserts, ramen, pizza, etc.   But the truth is I actually have an extremely healthy diet, and believe more in moderation than in complete denial of certain foods.   My daily meals consist of whole grains, vegetables, lean proteins and a ton of water which allows for a treat or splurge now and then.   But while my diet is quite healthy by most standards, I am incredibly intrigued by the claims behind many different foods or ingredients that may not be as commonplace.   Many of these “superfoods” and ingredients can having quite astounding health benefits if added to ones regular diet.   Foods such as chia seeds, goji berries, kefir, and apple cider vinegar as examples are not as mainstream but from what I have read can have amazing effects on the body and ultimately one’s skin, hair, nails, etc.   Nourishing the body with the right ingredients is often the best beauty routine out there.   Nothing gives the skin a “lit from within” glow like optimal health and nutrition.   Now I just hope it all tastes good.

Now that I have told you my beauty resolutions, I would love to hear from all of you!   Leave me a comment below and tell me some of your 2014 beauty resolutions.

For more sass and beauty updates follow Maree @alittlebitetc on  Twitter,  Instagram  or  Like me on Facebook.

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